Have to say i'm praying for nature of world cities - literally my favourite essay 😍 would also love social/environmental/financial impacts for PEA but feel like those are def too easy/broad for them to put in the same paper :(
I would certainly split it into its two parts:
1. Spatial patterns - North of Brandt Line, typically in developed countries, spread across time zones -> 24 hr control of the global economy, in clusters (e.g. Western Europe, Eastern North America, East Asia), commonly near large bodies of...
Congrats to everyone who got an offer today!!
For future reference if anyone is interested, they do tell you what they considered your selection rank from your yr11 results (:
Hey everyone :)
Anyone else here nervously excited for offers on monday? Personally i'm not particularly confident but an offer in amongst all this stress with trials and covid sure would be nice!
Also, I was wondering if anyone knows whether they tell us what their selection ranks for us? i...
Happy to help - yeah it surprised me too, but the research report only counts for 40% of the internal and the external mark is all the HSC exam. The exam does ask you to make reference to your report though, particularly in the 15 mark questions. This is another benefit of doing a primary...
I do sci ex as well as chem, physics and x1 maths and would say it is by far the lowest workload of those subjects, the content is quite straightforward - particularly with the general scientific understanding you gain from chem and phys, and the major work (which is not a 'real' major work as...
Thanks! yeah i'm looking to do med so my focus is more on doing a degree I will enjoy/succeed in rather than necessarily career opportunities - I'm planning on doing an MPH or masters in nursing/radiography if I'm unsuccessful in med entry. Part of my issue is apart from something in medicine...
Hi I was wondering if anyone here does or knows someone who does usyd's geography major. I really enjoy hsc geo and am looking at doing this major along with the bachelor of science (health). I'm curious as to how many people do this major, how difficult it is (would it be possible to maintain...
I mean I considered it but I was close to failing year 10 German (so thought maybe languages wasn't my forte), would rather be able to do more sciences, and people I knew who did IB said it took over your life, and bc I do high level sport I didn't want to spend 'excessive' time on my studies...