17. Optimistic. Happy about my life. Positive Attitude. Hoping to maintain and only improve my current lifestyle.
Hockey, Tennis, Reading, Love animals, Cooking, Socialising, Science, and good old leisure time.
- Birthday
August 18
- Location
- Gender
- Academic Programme
Physics, Biology, General Maths, Advanced English, Modern History, and Extension History.
- Educational Institution
Kelso High Campus
- Political Views
- Favourite Music
Umm eveything apart from heavy metal and some country music.
- Favourite TV Shows
Supernatural ones, Comedies, Dramas, and the occasional Action ones. Loathe Soap Operas.
- Favourite Movies
see TV shows.
- Favourite Books
Anything that spikes my interest; Supernatural, Facts, Thrillers, and a mixture of the other types.
- Favourite Quote
changes from time to time. but favourite for now would be "Be what you want to be, and do what you want to do. because when it comes to those that min
- Occupation
- Future Plans
- Industry Interests
Healthcare/Medical, Science/Biotechnology