Yesh, our school is ranked ~550 and I got 92.30 :D Brings me up to 97.30 with QTAC bonus points, definitely more than I need considering the course I want to get in had a 74 cutoff last year, and I also have two scholarships for that uni now as well and and and and
Okay i'll stop now XD I am...
Yeah, i've already been doing that since my last exam XD I'm now up to s4 Breaking Bad, s2 friends, s14 degrassi, s8 big bang, s7 Californication, s5 GoT and started watching courage the cowardly dog XD
I'm really kind of disappointed with my results :/ I thought for sure I would have gotten a couple of band 6's at least :(
Adv Eng: 85/100
EE1: 39/50
EE2: 34/50 (No surprise with this one XD Completely screwed up with the MW)
ME1: 43/50 (did better than I thought with this one :D )
Yeah trust me I know these feels... I'm the only student in my cohort for 3 of my subjects, and was the only person last year for mathematics accelerated (which sucked because I screwed up in that exam so much and only got an 87 :/ )
In fact I think using more than 3 (as long as you have sufficient description on it is a pretty good backup, I'll be honest in the short answers when they ask for 1 thing I usually say two just in case one's iffy (as long as they're not the exact opposite things of course XD)
Come on guys, no one is going to lose marks for naming more than 3 scientists... they might instead lose marks for not be descriptive of the said scientists though. And I think I must be the only person to use Darwin XD But other than that used Mendel and Sutton
Watch /ALL/ the tv shows, read /ALL/ the books, lift /ALL/ the weights, run /ALL/ the distance, play /ALL/ the videogames and drink /ALL/ the drinks :3
1. D
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. D (should have been B :/)
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. A
17. C
18. D
19. A
20. B (Pretty much a guess for this one XD)