Recent content by shufti

  1. shufti

    2009 School Certificate Trials (Science)

    lol ...liking the attitude :headbang:
  2. shufti

    Handy Hints for the School Certificate

    from a 65 to 80??!! can u really gain 15 marks from how the state performs??
  3. shufti

    SC Marking/Results Process

    Re: Obtaining SC Results say for example the highest mark in the SC is 98 and lowest 68. more then half the state gets above 75, ok and ur mark is 85 . what u expext ur mark to be "aligned" to?
  4. shufti

    SC Marking/Results Process

    Re: Obtaining SC Results aligned up by how ,much approximately?
  5. shufti

    SC Marking/Results Process

    Re: Obtaining SC Results
  6. shufti

    Handy Hints for the School Certificate

    i don't understand this concept of "raw mark" , etc, can someone plz explain...
  7. shufti

    2009 School Certificate Trials (Science)

    how's everyone doing in their last minute revision? u guys ready for monday?
  8. shufti

    2009 School Certificate Trials (Science)

    zomg what schools do u guys go too? and lmao the top mark at our school was 82 and i came second at 77>< that indian guy amogg^ got 82<!-- google_ad_section_end --></SPAN> sadly i didn't get 95 i got 77 as well. only about 5...
  9. shufti

    2009 School Certificate Trials (Science)

    we did that test too, the highest was