Recent content by Skip

  1. S

    05ers - What mark did you get?

    So how'd you go? I'm pretty happy with my mark: 2 French Continuers 93/100 95/100 94 6
  2. S

    Any PREP acceptances?

    I got an offer for B Physiotherapy :D A CSU lady said they accept 3 a year, but it varies depending on the course and quota.
  3. S

    The Official Cricket Thread 2006/2007

    Haha, serves him right, stuck up idiot. I'm surprised he didnt just stand there and have go at the bowler 'do you know who i am!'......
  4. S

    French continuers - how'd you go

    I totally agree that some questions should be in English. My problem is with the weighting of the questions. A questions asking about one heading shouldn't be worth 5 marks if when you're asked to write a whole passage (heading included and in French!) is worth only 6 marks.
  5. S

    French continuers - how'd you go

    But that doesn't make sense. A greater understanding/knowledge of the French language should equal more marks.
  6. S

    French continuers - how'd you go

    Exactly. A question about one sentence (5-7words?) in French is worth 5 marks, whereas a question asking you to write 150 words in French is worth 1 mark more...
  7. S

    French continuers - how'd you go

    Harder than I expected (well much harder than last year's anyway). Listening was OK I guess, except for the question about that computer hacker (?). I'm going to wait until the results come out before I say anything else.
  8. S

    Structure of Continuers Exam

    How exactly does it work? Do you have 10 mins reading time, then you do listening (and listen to all that crap about "you will hear 8 texts, blah, blah, blah") and afterwards you do the rest of the paper?
  9. S

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    It's the subjunctive, but P. Mouseaux or Chepas would be able to give you a better/ more thourough explanation.
  10. S

    HARD WRITING TASK continuers

    Guess that's why you haven't got one :p Anyway, I'd say just think of some questions about topics you don't know much about. Like for me it would be a fasion question.
  11. S

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    15 jours? Ce n'est pas vrai! :eek:
  12. S

    The Official French Continuers & Extension Speaking Exams 2005 Thread - POST IN HERE!

    Everyone makes mistakes. I was just listening to the 2002 standards package and the exemplar conversation response had a few mistakes.
  13. S

    The Official French Continuers & Extension Speaking Exams 2005 Thread - POST IN HERE!

    Everything went to plan for me. There weren't any curly questions, the examiner said I went really well, I hope the markers think I did really well too. I was out of the exam room by 9:10 (was first of the 5 students there).
  14. S

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Oui, ça m'a beacoup aidé, merci. J'essayerai de l'utiliser dans l'examen maintenant :)
  15. S

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Salut P Mouseaux Vous êtes arrivé au bon moment, juste avant le bac! Une petite question, qu'est-ce que <<au fur et a' mesure>> veut dire? J'ai l'entendu plusieurs fois mais je ne me souviens plus la signification...