I did it. Especially during exam periods. Best place to work productively in my opinion. Providing there is natural light and people actually studying.
I think I did as well as I did in the trial, in which I got a raw mark of 90, so hopefully it works out. I'm really happy with how I went, surprisingly, because I was so stressed in the morning.
I did 4 booklets for the essay (11 pages) and 3 booklets for the creative (9 pages)
I'm so happy with the questions, the creative stimulus fit exactly to my story and I remembered it word for word
B Media (Communication and Journalism) at UNSW
B Arts (Media and Communications) at USyd
B Arts in Communication (Journalism) at UTS
So yeah, I want to do journalism.
Re: General Thoughts: Studies of Religion I
section II was good, enjoyed writing about dalai lama, even though the questions were similar. however, my essay was all over the place. but overall, i think i did quite well.
multiple choice:
Wow. I'm so thankful for my parents after reading this thread. Never have they told me I have to get a certain mark to gain their approval. I study because I want to achieve my best and I'm pressured by no one but myself to do so. I don't think I could have got through this year with someone...