Yeah, the only course that does apply is one of the ones I didn't do, Visual Arts.
Speaking of that, is anyone doing Digital Media? Is there any non computer based work? At a computer with 3D programs / Photoshop / After Effects etc, I can produce some pretty decent work but as soon as you get...
I was doing Mechatronic Engineering at UoW, but it's not for me so I decided to take a gap year at the end of session one, but ended up deciding I'm not going back at all. Now I want to study Digital Media next year at UNSW. I sent an email regarding my situation, and they said as I only did 6...
Has anyone else gotten theirs yet? Got mine last night. Wasn't my top preference but oh well... :|
I'll be staying at Keiraview. Was hoping to not have to cater for myself haha.
no way!
I had NO idea what I was doing. I decided to use E = hf and ended up with E = hc/lambda (obviously), and got a number. From there I was just like... uhh wat. I wasn't even sure what that number was telling me to be honest, kinda missed this stuff. Then, in the question there was an...
Re: Really awful movies to watch
...Tron was pretty good? As was the soundtrack.
Anyway to whoever mentioned A Serbian Film, dear god no, do not watch that. Even reading the synopsis on wikipedia is pretty bad.
And what sort of awful are you looking for? Like hilariously bad or awful in...
I worked fast and had adequate time, but got caught up on a question and lost a lot of time, and only got like half way through Q10... It looked easy too :(
I quit my job, however I was lucky enough to receive a few grants and bursaries and stuff, to make up for lost earnings. I'd probably still have a job otherwise.
I believe that quota is for the free university internet, which is accessible at the accommodation, in order to stop people using it for downloading and stuff.
"If you intend to use the internet on residence for personal items such as MySpace or Facebook, you will need to purchase Internet...