Recent content by soulpunkerrkev

  1. S

    'DISCOVERY' related texts

    I found this list extremely helpful! :) Hope it helps anyone else. I might go with "Medicine Man"..
  2. S

    2014 Main Round Cut-offs

    Thank you so much for this!
  3. S

    Prep for year 12

    I'm gonna relax these holidays, but look over all my subject's syllabus's :)
  4. S

    Best music to study too?

    Personally I listen to rock (pop-punk/pop-rock) so bands like Fall Out Boy and The Cab are perfect relaxing songs! :)
  5. S

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Good luck everyone! :) Don't stress too hard, chin up, we're gonna finish school soon! :) Subjects I'm doing are: Advanced English, Extension 1 Mathematics, Economics, Legal Studies, Business Studies and Senior Science Anyone doing the same as me?! :)