Im not sure, on sols under the subject timetable thing it says like "and lecture/videoconference" But it only says we have 1 2hr lecture and 1 1hr tute, so I don't get what it is.
Oh well, even with the time its at I cant go, so not going to worry about it.
Urgh. Demountables? Stupid uni lol.
With COMM101, the timetable says AND video conference? Do you know what the deal is with that? I don't think we have to go to it but yeah what the hell is it supposed to be.
Baha thats trench town for you.
God I have so many memories of being drunk around the TTT.
Where in Trench town? If you're down the back you could be my new flatmate!
Tute enrolment again. FML.
Why can't the whole uni just use TPS, at least you would have some idea of what tute you could get and what your chances are of getting the one you want!
At work I got a warning for 'wasting resources' by writing what particular stock I had to get on the back of receipt paper.
Oh in year 3 I got detention for saying the word 'lesbian'
Please ensure your house does not smell of crap when I am delivering, and you want me to drop it inside.
Also, please do not answer your door drunk and blind, and with cats everywhere.
I nearly puked all over this customer it was that bad. Stupid supermarket deliveries.
If you had of asked earlier it would have been all yours. But one of my mates called dibs not long ago.
But yeah, you definitely need the textbook, the questions in the exam were set from it (like we were given the specific chapter references that each question would be based on).
If my mate...
I think results are released on the 6th.
I try to avoid skipping lectures, so hopefully ACCY won't be a problem next session!
Anyone doing COMM101 next semester? Or have done it? I've been told its easy as, any truth to this?
I can tell you about commerce, not science.
Last year the commerce early entry criteria was strict, in that you had to get something like 75% in mathematics and advanced english, anything less and you were rejected. But I just read the application guide and it looks like its changed a bit, so...