Recent content by squiz29

  1. squiz29

    Most ANNOYING things when Driving

    excuse me but i am a bike rider myself and i do respect their rights to the road as much as my rights as a driver in a car, it just pisses me off when they dont wear visable clothing and dont have lights on their bikes when they are riding at night time, or when they are careless and dont look...
  2. squiz29

    Most ANNOYING things when Driving

    tottally i agree with brookl, pushbikers are anoying when they are on the road. i nearly ran 2 over cause it was dark, they didnt have reflective cloths and/or lights on their bikes and they were takeing up a whole lane! arr lucky for them it was a 3 lane road and i saw them in time to change...
  3. squiz29

    All gurls are bimbos

    hahah im deffeniatly not sane i can tell you that..ive been through some fucked up shit the last year and a bit and that really messes you up... so that makes me none of the three according to what you said and what i added
  4. squiz29

    All gurls are bimbos

    geez.. umm.. i have no idea, how are you ment to judge yourself on based on three things, when you can only chose one and the by chosing that one it means your none of the others, how is that logical or even fair?
  5. squiz29

    All gurls are bimbos

    well arnt we all a bit of each? cause im smart at some thing and others im not some say im hot other say im not and as for sane i think we're all a little bit insane so i dunno what do you rekon?
  6. squiz29

    All gurls are bimbos

    how is working and studying tourism funny?
  7. squiz29

    All gurls are bimbos

    random question lol why did you wanna kno
  8. squiz29

    All gurls are bimbos

    i dont go to high school anymore. i work and study cert4 in tourism
  9. squiz29

    All gurls are bimbos

    yea whatever last i checked it was a free country
  10. squiz29

    All gurls are bimbos

    because i can duh and was that person tlking about me in some pics? and were i live?
  11. squiz29

    All gurls are bimbos

    hey all =] brook just quickly i just finished the canvas thing ive been working on it looks soooooo cool =]
  12. squiz29

    All gurls are bimbos

    well my work has been done txt me if you need me bub have fun all x
  13. squiz29

    All gurls are bimbos

    geez ok heres how i see things 1) ancly just shut up 2) this is why you are loney and no girl wants you 3) stop being an arsehole and go get laid
  14. squiz29

    why are all the hot guys either players or gay???

    i already have a solid relationship with a hot sxc guy who i love, i was just amking a point (which i didnt make clear when i created this thread which i appologize for) that its so hard to find a decent guy these days.
  15. squiz29

    why are all the hot guys either players or gay???

    yea and if you go back and read the first page you will see i realised and said that i change it to "alot"