Recent content by Starry Roses

  1. S

    Encore noms 2016 hsc

    Right, thank you! ^-^
  2. S

    Encore noms 2016 hsc

    Oh, okay. It's still exciting, though! =) And another question; hopefully, my last: when you record the pieces, would you record them all with no breaks in between, or are we able to pause/stop the video between pieces?
  3. S

    Encore noms 2016 hsc

    I didn't do Music 2 >.> But I did get a nomination!! :3 I did all four performances but I have my suspicions as to which performance was nominated. Speaking of which, anyone know what the requirements are for Encore nominations? I heard that you have to get 20/20 for three out of four of your...
  4. S

    Viva Voce: Instrument and its Repertoire

    Okay, so I was silly and kinda forgot that the topic for my viva is instrument and its repertoire. The viva is tomorrow and this is my thesis, which I've already submitted: The way in which gaming music, through the use of Duration and Texture, complements and enhances the gaming experience...