Recent content by Sunflower

  1. S

    Some Help...pleeez!!

    Don't worry tooo much about your SC. If your going on to yr 11 & 12, its good practice. If your leaving, do the best that you can. Many, many people have survived it before you...even me! It's not the end of the world if you don't get the marks that you really, really want. Just do your best...
  2. S

    Community and Family

    :uhoh: Just make sure that you read over EVERYTHING! One person I know only revised the option topic, Individuals and Work. Boy was she shocked when most of the questions were on the other topics!!! :eek: Good Luck! Sunflower
  3. S

    HELP!! Bio Question!

    According to the Board of Studies website, the answer is b) T helper lymphocytes are activated HSC 2001 Biology Answers (PDF) Sunflower
  4. S

    biology Answers

    Have you tried the board of studies website? Board Of Studies Sunflower
  5. S

    how do u make english interesting

    English boring Yes...English is boring! That's why it's compolsury!...otherwise it would not run. :p :D :) :rolleyes:
  6. S

    can someone do me a favour?

    S2ophie are you still online?
  7. S

    Is Cafs A Bludge?

    CAFS a bludge? At the begining of year 12, my CAFS class dropped from about 20 to 7...yes SEVEN!!! Our teacher now makes up booklets for the topic we are completing. One advantage of this is that I can complete any work at home if I don't quite finish the work or miss a class, the...