Recent content by T-Bone32

  1. T

    SDD - A Major Turn Off

    yes i must agree with that... im trying to study for it now... but failing epically...:chainsaw::rofl::bomb:
  2. T

    Exam on monday

    hey dude im kinda the same and ive got mine in 2 days!!! on tuesday!!!
  3. T

    SDD - A Major Turn Off

    i just HATE SDD with a passion!!!!!!:burn::burn::burn: annoying..... and ive also figured that out of ALL of my subjects..... there is ONLY 1 that i want to pass in and the rest can go and die in a hole...:burn::burn::jedi::rofl::bomb: HOSPITALITY!!!!!!!!:sun::sun::rofl2:
  4. T

    SDD Tutoring + Major Project Help

    hey dude i could use some help.... im really kinda screwed =(!!!! but thats generally because im focusing on my other subjects..... but i only wanna do good in hospitality but im only doing 10 units so i HAVE to do good in the other subjects....
  5. T

    Do you enjoy doing SDD?

    Source or 1.6.... plus we play BF 1942 at the end of the year:sun::devil:
  6. T

    Do you enjoy doing SDD?

    agreed..... i wish i actually did biology instead of SDD and physics or chemistry instead of business studies....:bomb::burn::burn::burn::jedi:
  7. T

    Stand. Eng. aim.

    i wouldnt mind getting around 70% for this subject but i have to get round 80% because im only doing 10 units.... so if i want my HSC i have to do really good at this useless subject.... i (Personally) dont see the need for english in years 11 and 12.... K-10 should get the subject as core...
  8. T

    Related texts for Distinctive Voices?

    Re-Education (Through Labour) by Rise Against its about child sweat shops and labouring little kids...
  9. T

    Food Technology or Hospitality? :)

    Hospitality is infinately better because you get to do work expericence and then work placement for a total of 70hrs for each placement of work letting you in behind the scenes at seeing HOW exactly the hospitality system works.... and u might also get a job:spin:... i worked at the local bakery...
  10. T

    How did you find/hear about us?

    i found this site on the back of a hospitality lecture booklet at school
  11. T

    Methods Of Cookery-notes

    hey can u plz send those commercial cookery notes to me too + any other hospitality notes u might have if its not too annoying to send :confused: send them to
  12. T

    heys peoplz..I'm Giving away Notes!!!!!

    hahahaha same in our hosp class :rofl2: we generally dont do anything... and apart from nothing... we make coffees :music: and listen to our ipods XD
  13. T

    Stanard English aims.

    im aiming around 85ish although i know im gunna get around middle to high 70's:bomb::burn::mad1: wow... procrastinate much? oh well, later! English Standard :bomb: Business Studies :burn: Software Design :mad1: Hospitality =D THATS what i wanna ACE!!!! + im doing 2 units at TAFE... Business Services