Recent content by TalkieToaster

  1. TalkieToaster

    Hotness: how has uni changed your perspective?

    I think many of the younger students may avoid the security guards gaze due to their fond school-based memories of being chased / yelled at. :p Changed Perspective: I dont think it has changed my perspective on hotness at all really. My tastes are the same as always! Its great to meet...
  2. TalkieToaster

    Uni off tomorrow? (mon 2nd Oct)

    Well *I* will be home writing my PSY105 paper. Or I might be at the beach ... haha!
  3. TalkieToaster

    "it's not procrastinating because it's the HOLIDAYS!"

    Damn you guys. I've been working full time so I can pay my car insurance upfront. Party on!
  4. TalkieToaster

    The Official MQ Results Thread [Sem 1, 2006]

    Distinction in PSY222 ! Yehaw.
  5. TalkieToaster

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    I'm one for the rowing machine when in need of a cardio workout. It's non-impact and works your arms, legs, stomach AND lower back too!
  6. TalkieToaster

    Seeking 3rd/4th yr psych students for PSY222 guidance...

    I might be the OTHER other person doing PSY222. :p Eugene cracks me up. I quote: "Just make sure you all spell condescending correctly in your unit evaluations." I'm not finding it toooo hard I guess. For the optional test I made myself up some "Cheat Sheets" of summarised formulas...
  7. TalkieToaster

    So... what have we all been doing these holidays?

    Re: redruM is da man!! :D Lucky! I didn't do anything exciting really .. just caught up on stats iLecs .. (PSY222 is a tedious bitch) and did some assignments. :(
  8. TalkieToaster

    Psy 104 Pplz!

    Schoolyard for me. Plenty of references! It's a shitty question though really.
  9. TalkieToaster

    Q about wireless

    back again! I'm not much of a lurker ... but very much a forum regular (on other forums!) so I guess Im used to it. :)
  10. TalkieToaster

    Psy 104 Pplz!

    Another BA-Psych 1st year here! Yeah the bibliography was a bit much for 3% .. but an easy 3%! I haven't started my essay as yet ... i'm finding it difficult to construct an argument with so many contradicting studies out there!
  11. TalkieToaster

    Trasnfered and finding it hard to make new friends

    I know what you mean .. I found that hard last year as a non-award student because I was hardly ever at uni to meet people! If you have a lecture or tute before a mutual break, go and have coffee or lunch with your class buddy! Then some other time invite someone else ... tada!
  12. TalkieToaster

    Q about wireless

    I was able to use the Library wireless on my G4 iBook last year with no hassles. For some reason, this semester I can't. SAM building works fine. It can see the network, and will sometimes connect but the connection lasts maybe 2 minutes before dropping out. More often than not I don't even get...
  13. TalkieToaster

    if u do psy222!

    Hey .. I do PSY222 too! I was finding the lectures somewhat difficult to understand UNTIL I read Chekaluks ANOVA notes. It mostly makes sense now! (Im still a week or two behind though .. glad to have the hols to catch up.) :)
  14. TalkieToaster

    Psy104 Quiz

    Heya, I am in PSY104 also. Good luck in the quiz! There isn't too much to cover in those lectures, so don't be too afraid. Just get the important names and dates in your head, along with the definitions of the terms and you will do fine. On an unrelated topic - How are you finding Biological...