thanks omie, that was great help
with maths1131,mats1101 and phys 1131 - is a pass just an overall 50%+ when all the marks are calculated? or is there some other requirement like 50%+ in final exam as well..
any comments from past students?
pretty tough..a lot of self motivated input for this course :/
doing alright for labs/tutes ~45% ish
midsem multichoice exam was pretty easy. dont know the mark yet
grp proj is going good, got abt 80% for first submission
Yeah im quite sure it's associated with relaxation time
Basically my question is how the computer can differentiate the different locations of nuclei (protons) in the body. For eg if they all use the same ext. B field the lamor frequency will be the same throughout the body
Ok, I know theres two processes involved in localising where the radio pulse originates from:
1. Using gradient B field to change the lamor frequency along the length of the body - this differentiates the frequency at which the radio pulses return
2. Something about PHASES of the NUCLEI??
1. increase IR -> contraction on economy due to dampening of AD: consump and invest
2. increase IR -> increase FDI due to higher returns -> money to fund structural expansion (eco growth)
so which wins, in a way? since one is contractionary and the other is expansionary
also, quick question...
I know the co-op website says 95.7 UAI is required for the scholarship, but i've also read that people have received it with a UAI lower than 95.7, given they have at least received the course cut-off.
Anyone know if this is true?