That was a bit odd, but apart from that it was a bit easier than what I expected it to be, on the other hand I'm getting ready to die in the face of my chem exam on Thursday :(
I guess that would depend on what school you go to (taking into consideration scaling factors etc), as for the trials, I myself went well, but I had a lot of friends who did comparatively bad, they however, really came through in the HSC exams and ended up with exceptional ATAR's.
I got 97+, to be on the safe side you would need to achieve 4 band 6's from those type of sub's, although it takes a lot of hard work and perseverance.
Hahah you guys did great, as I expected :)
Adv English: 89/100 (so close, yet so far)
Mathematics: 97/100
Mathematics Ext1: 47/50
Biology: 89/100 (a bit disappointing)
Chemistry: 92/100
Modern History: 86/100
Einstein: 97.5 Matrix:97.55
I'll be quite content and elated with 97 + :)