I remember once finding the Sydney Distance Education Notes. They come in PDF files, and I saved them, but my PC crashed and all files were lost.
I remember finding them on www.tale.edu.au/ You can use your school's internet login.
Hopefully that helps!
Dudes & dudettes, I am completely lost. I don't know what I want to do AT ALL!
I am considering either:
- Speech Pathology
- Physiotherapy
- Neuropsychology.
If you do any of those courses or have already graduated, any advice or thoughts would be appreciated. Thanksss!!
@Totallyconfused What Boxes said might sound idiotic to you, but it is very true. I actually do that when I work out. The plastic bag will make you sweat heaps more!!! So don't be a skeptic. :o
I have been taking fish oil tablets for the past 6 months, and I always forget the names of my friends or where I last put my phone.
I take Iron tablets, but my doctor is always complaining about my low iron levels.
I take Vitamin C tablets but I constantly get the flu.
Meh, you can...