thanks theres actually no convenient alternatives lol, oh and i dunno if i should withdraw from the subjects because they're the ones that I'm supposed to do this year. Anyway doesn't matter ill figure it out later thanks
i didnt know what i was doing when i chose all my subject times, i just chose all the subjects that the guy told me to and then i just chose the first available session time for lectures and stuff. Now i realise that i just made the most ridiculous timetable that's really inconvenient and...
yeah same thing happened with me im doing mechanical and i got a uai of 78.25.
My friend got like 80.something uai and hes entered the same course and did the questionnaire as well but he hasnt got a call yet. hmmm:confused:
yeh dude those movies are terrible. It's like they were made in a day on a budget of $10 with a plot that they made up on the spot. After i saw epic movie i vowed never to watch a 'movie' movie again because i dont want to give those jerks any more many that they don't deserve.:mad:
Saw is fucked, the first one was awesome but then they got worse with each sequel. Everyone of them tries to have some crazy twist at the end and by the time they get to the 4th on it is so ridiculous it doesn't even make sense anymore.
I'm still kinda curios though and i do love the gore but i...