Recent content by yeomnhawk

  1. Y

    Related that does not have similar themes as prescribes - Will I lose marks?

    So right now I am using a related text that does not have many distinctively visual elements but has very similar themes to my prescribed text The Shoe Horn Sonata. I really want to change to other texts that can be analysed to a much greater extent but don't have similar themes to the Shoe Horn...
  2. Y

    What to do in year 10 to prepare for years 11/12?

    Honestly some good tips I can give you which I wish I had done when I was in year 10 would be. - Sort out the subjects that you want as soon as possible, so you can get a head start and aim towards getting into these subjects. -Looking back now, something I wish I did when picking subjects is...
  3. Y

    Ancient History Vs Modern History

    To be honest, a lot of the topics in modern contain loads of political content. Especially if you are doing soviet Russia, Trotsky and cold war like me. If you're someone who hates complicated politics and what not than modern may not be for you. However from what I've heard by people doing both...