lectures (2 Viewers)


New Member
May 12, 2024
COMM1100: Pretty easy, introduction to microeconomic principles plus some extra stuff such as basic business law, corporate social responsibility, similar stuff that just requires rote memorisation for application into certain business case studies and situations they throw at you. You get a lot of practice in tutorials applying economic/legal/etc lens on different business cases (I remember one study being about Uber, another about Russian oil and economic sanctions). If you've done HSC Economics this is definitely going to be a breeze for you, if you didn't (like me) this will still be decently easy. The lectures were kind of lacking at points though but the pre-lecture content is very in-depth and can double as the lectures themselves. I watched some microeconomics youtube videos to help me get up to speed and overall it was a decently okay course. Content-wise I did think a decent chunk of the non-economics stuff was a bit boring and dry. Assessments were okay, they are subject to tutor rng tho

COMM1110: Easy, I thought it was interesting because it was a refresher on statistics which honestly I'd forgotten since I did 4u. Tutorials were very helpful in explaining stat concepts that were just brushed over very quickly in lectures, and the Excel work is integrated alright so that you also learn how to use Excel if you don't know how to use it yet. Assessments are just applications of the Excel skills and stat concepts you've learnt through a case study, nothing too difficult as long as you've paid attention to the content and Excel homework, the feedback I got for my case reports were very fair. I did think the "Collaborative Learning" where you comment on a Moodle forum and are forced to respond to peers' comments was kinda dumb tho

COMM1120: I did think this was an easy course however it's mainly cos 95% of this course is actual nothingburger. If anything I did learn how to write a good reflection because my tutor wrote up an in-depth overview of a reflection structure that you can use for future business courses that have reflections (of which there are lot). Half of the assessments are individual and the other half are groupwork with the same group (bigger weighting), and the first and second weeks are about getting to know your classmates and picking your groups, so I'd advise you either bring friends with you into your classes or you find a group of sweats (which is what I did), if you don't it'll be a bit harder. Overall I liked the course since we did all the assessments a week before they were due and still HD'd for them, and cos the tutor was very helpful in being explicit in what he wanted if you wanted higher marks. Provided a lot of helpful feedback in the weeks before our group presentations too

COMM1140: I thought this was the best IFY course I've taken so far - the lectures and lecturers were very good, tutorials were very helpful in consolidating content and all the assessments are actually content-relevant and marked very fairly. There's weekly homework to help consolidate your learning which are pretty easy if you keep on track with the lectures but if you have any questions they do go through the qs in class. I also found the accounting and finance topics to be very interesting and helped me decide what major I wanted to take. Final exam is pretty easy, make sure not to make any silly mistakes, and do the practice exam as for me the final exam was literally just the practice but with different numbers.

COMM1150: Continuation of COMM1100 and looks at the macro-environment of businesses as a whole. I do think the tutorials went on for too long (2 hours, but my tutor went through all the content in 1 hr and let us out an hour early) but I thought this course was way more interesting than 1100. As long as you understand the "outside-in" approach you will be fine for the assessments, which are also pretty fair and content-relevant and marked very fairly as well. The tutor I had was amazing, was very explicit about what he wanted for HD and gave us good advice. If you did HSC Economics then you'll be fine for the macro-economic angle of the course but there's also legal/cultural/social aspects in the course that were way more interesting than their equivalents in COMM1100. I did find the big report to be very fun to write

COMM1170: Don't talk to me about this course lmao 0/10. It was very disorganised, a bunch of stuff just lumped in together that had seemingly no relation (only one of the 4-5 lecturers I had were good imo). The assessments and lecture content take on a more HR-oriented approach even though this is the follow-up to COMM1140, which would've been okay had we not spent our tutorials doing absolutely useless stuff in preparation for two reflection portfolios that weren't really relevant to our case study we did for our final business case video (which was also dragged out quite a while). If doing this subject, pick a big company, Australian might be best. Also this subject is literally just tutor spinning a number wheel and whatever number that comes up that ends up being your mark, never again

1100, 1110 and 1140 all had tutorial participation marks as part of your assessment. All you have to do is whenever they ask a question, put up your hand because usually it's just a refresher on lecture content for that week. You can even read off the lecture slides to answer, and you get marks even if you're wrong. Easiest marks of your life imo so don't waste the opportunity

Next term will be doing 1180 and 1190 🖖 (+ACCT2511)

are tutorials based on individual core learning, there’s so much information comm1100 or is it just the pre tutorial material and lecture slides?

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