Theres no prereq or 'wants'. its the atar (~30% for lots of unis*), interview*(40%) and ucat*(30%). You won't get special consideration if you did those subjects nor are you required to do any of them.
theres no "special consideration". like l math adv, its wanted but theres ways that u can do without it. pathways/additional courses focus on the science or math if u dont have it. an esteemed uni and doing a popular course such as bach of science/med, they check ur subjects/band u got since they “want” certain subjects. no science and a good atar compared to excellence in math adv or chem/bio is competiton.
it is a "want" of the uni' to have bio/chem since they focus all the content on that once u start and since the cohort can be huge ur providing completion against people who have the desired subjects to pursue the course as to why there is such thing as additional courses, pathways and such.
only speak if u know
ur very poor in ur arguments same as with ur study methods. the use of "mate" speaks volumes too, which just showcases ur unable to have a coherent discourse without taking natural offense at something as small as this which showcases ur quite immature. Responsive to this, as i said numerous times, and as would be applicable to ur "freinds" u are fighting a cohort.
just depends on what ur fighting with whether thats entry through the interview and the subjects or alternatively high performance in something else, perhaps ur atar. eveyrthing in this case is subjective and not objectove which is what ur arguing.
i would take the bet to place that a person working within the space and context of a university knows more than a bos user who is unable to prove a (insignificant and false) point without taking offense at everything he brings up also its not a " receptionist" it was an individual working within that specific area of knowledge (ie- medical) so there again u fail to make sense.
this kid really just said I am bad at my own expression in arguments and then proceeds to deviate the conversation to study methods.... If you said something inaccurate, then I will point that out so then another student won't be mislead.
Yeah your point still ain't valid. They aren't admissions officers. The whole reason why the criteria for ranking students is hidden is because they want students to do their best in all subjects (which selections are not restricted) so that no one slacks off.
"validation" of what? u make no sense considering my identity is hidden and inaccessible on this site and thus any inferred discourse towards me and my achievements would have no intended effect. Little attention at home makes no sense either considering the 12 hours spent there are within the public space of my own home environment. i also seek no "attention" at home
...we all reach a stage in life where we are expected to act as a 'Self' not a constituted familial collective in everything we do. another indicator of ur immaturity it would seem...thus to no avail will anyone's intended discourse regarding anything within the context of my own studies take any effect so again...u make no sense
"They aren't admissions officers."
indeed there should not be...i would be surprised if there were. once u sign up for it u are in the competition as u have arrived in a new context - ie university, and thus the whole idea off subjects does indeed become relevant. never outside of those imposed parameters
i dont suggest u argue with me its very hard to make my point "wrong" as they never are.
"Your false point is the one I'm arguing 'but in the end u only need one or the other to get in.'
If your arguing then to some point you have engaged in a private acknowledgement of what i have imposed to engage with such an action. that would thus suggest that i am correct and in your mind you have figured that but refuse to refute that publicly
feel free to stop wasting my time.