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  • br8 I am doing essay plans today then spending 6 days doing paper 1 and paper 2 on each day. So hopefully 6 essays for each mod and AOS. Then I will do some story prac. Then after I will do 4u (after english) haha in that 4 day gap. Then chem/physics.
    psychologically addicted?

    as in you THINK you need it?

    Nethertheless, you're still addicted :p

    GL for your hsc and you really shouldn't be on bos lol :p
    It's okay, Vinh. She'll come around. Maybe she's PMSing.
    I know girls who will be pissed at only a particular person for the duration of that time of month, and then be totally fine the next week [100% srs]

    Maybe your drunk wingman said something again :p
    My teacher spends half the lesson going through theory and then the other half with questions :haha:

    It's not the concepts i'm worried about, i'm just worried i'll forget how to apply the concept to a question. I'll live. It's just 2/3u maffs.

    I FEEL SORRY FOR YOU. 4U MAFFS. Gosh. I would be killing myself if I were you :haha:

    Maybe I should start preparing my related texts for english instead of doing maffs. I'm only 3 chapters behind now, and it's not like i'm gonna need Calculus II etc etc anyway, right? They're prelim topics :D

    ...54 hours? You smocked 2 days ago :cry:
    You promised you wouldn't smoke until after hsc!!!111
    Did you do anything that would offend her that day?
    And if you hooked up a few times, i'm pretty sure she likes you lol

    Maybe you should try talking to her to see what's up :)
    I have to catch up with maffs these holidays. Haven't done anything since term one, and now i'm paying a price for that :(

    If I get a chapter done every day, i'll be caught up in time for year 12. I'm like... 3 chapters behind.
    Was meant to do series today, but got lazy :haha:

    Essays for an assignment?
    heyy sorry didn't see your text til just now, and lol silly the english thing isnt for like another two weeks :p
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