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  • hi!! im in year 12 atm and im looking into studying psychology at uni. im not sure where i want to go and i dont really mind honeslty, i just wanna study this topic. is there any unis that offer early entry to this sort of program? any other tips or ideas are also appreaciated <3
    I reckon go UNSW Psychology as I've heard they have a good faculty, unlike USYD. The only early entry schemes is the gateway scheme which is if you live in the lowest 25% socioeconomic area or attend a gateway school. The lowest atar would be around 90 but this would be for people who have gateway. The lowest selection rank is 98 so you're expected to get around 98 atar without gateway.
    There's also mq university which guaranteed entry is an 80 atar, you can get early entry through leaders and achievers program. I'm not sure for other universities but there should be similar reqs.
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