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for question
(3) actually original question is (Typo)
(A) is less than 2 (B) is equal to 2 (C) lies in the interval...
Thanks for answer
but i did not understand if circle and Rectangular hyperbola are symmetrical about y = x
then how can i get a = b
and (ii) doubt is how we can say that y(ax+by) = c represent Rectangular Hyperbola
Let A_{1}(x_{1},y_{1})\;,A_{2}(x_{2},y_{2})\;,.......A_{n}(x_{n},y_{n})\; be the only point to satisfying the hyperbola y(ax+by)=c and x^2+y^2=d^2
If x_{r} = y_{r}\forall r\in \left\{1,2,3,.......,n\right\} and c=a. then d=