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  1. M

    MATH3411 vs MATH2521 difficulty?

    Thanks, I actually needed a 2nd year+ free elective which I'm gonna try to overload to finish my degree this sem so was looking for the one that required the least time studied to pass, do you think it would be 3411 or 2521 to achieve that
  2. M

    MATH3411 vs MATH2521 difficulty?

    Comp sci student (2 unit math student in high school), Discrete was pretty fun(didnt do too well) but worried that being a 3rd year math course this would be too difficult for me
  3. M

    Anyone know some easy/okay 2nd year free electives to do in summer?

    Preferably COMP or MATH faculties
  4. M

    Can anyone enlighten me with the differences between graduating Sem 2 vs Summer

    Was wondering what the differences were while deliberating if I should overload sem 2 or not
  5. M

    Trying to drop Science/Comp Sci to Comp Sci but the comp sci program is not offered a

    Re: Trying to drop Science/Comp Sci to Comp Sci but the comp sci program is not offer Thanks, will do. Do you know if UNSW is open and some CSE staff are at the uni during this break?
  6. M

    Trying to drop Science/Comp Sci to Comp Sci but the comp sci program is not offered a

    Re: Trying to drop Science/Comp Sci to Comp Sci but the comp sci program is not offer Thanks, but will it be impossible to get into the old program? Because the new program has a lot of things that weren't equivalent with my old syllabus and I would've wasted a lot of units
  7. M

    Trying to drop Science/Comp Sci to Comp Sci but the comp sci program is not offered a

    Re: Trying to drop Science/Comp Sci to Comp Sci but the comp sci program is not offer But I've already been doing the old syllabus, I would lose at least a semester of time if I can't get to the old syllabus, do you know if it's possible to get to the old one? Bc I've done stuff like comp1917...
  8. M

    Trying to drop Science/Comp Sci to Comp Sci but the comp sci program is not offered a

    I'm currently doing and want to drop the science to I've been following the syllabus for 3978 for a while and haven't been doing science electives...
  9. M

    UNSW S1/18 Result Thread

    OS just get added a few hours ago? Can anyone confirm? Was one out of 2 subjects for me, can't tell which
  10. M

    UNSW S1/18 Result Thread

    One of OS, COMP3411 or comp3311 is up, anyone know which it is?
  11. M

    What do we need to qualify for maths supplementary exam? (MATH2019)
  12. M

    What do we need to qualify for maths supplementary exam? (MATH2019)

    Do you automatically get a supplementary exam if your final mark is close to 50? Or do they take anything else into account like tutorial attendance. Hearing conflicting things about requiring 80% attendance and some people saying you don't need any attendance, thanks!
  13. M

    UNSW 17/S2 Official Results Thread

    anyone doing comp3331 get it updated? can't tell if that's what updated for me
  14. M

    Official UNSW S1 2017 Results

    what zid's it up to now
  15. M

    Official UNSW S1 2017 Results

    yeah, i think they send em out by increasing order of zid
  16. M

    Official UNSW S1 2017 Results

    Wait results come out today??
  17. M

    exam remark

    Is this first year maths? They usually scale down and I've never heard of anyone getting additional marks
  18. M

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    Wait I'm confused, what did you do here exactly and what does it show?
  19. M

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    was 8*6 units before, should be 12*6 once this sem's units are in