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  1. B

    Critical Angles

    I was thinking more like this, about halway down My teacher tends to be a bit of a exam nazi so if anyones got any beauties hit me up ^^
  2. B

    Critical Angles

    Nvm about the critical angle, found a website describing it in great detail Still looking for black box question though!
  3. B

    Critical Angles

    Hey all, I need someone to tell me about critical angles. From brief web surfing I know that when the angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle no light is refracted but I need a lil more insight. Sorry if it's a dumb question, but the teacher has neglected to teach us about it and...
  4. B

    Need ideas for prac!

    Hey guys, I've got a prac due in a couple of weeks. Topic can be anything really, preferably based on an area we've already covered (Forces, Electrostatics, Conservation of Energy). Im in grade 11 (QLD), so not too advanced but not too superficial. It would be best if the equipment was...