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  1. skittished

    Bad Dates

    good luck to everyone in the 2005 hsc its a sinch
  2. skittished

    Who f*cked up?

    Is it just me or is physics a joke? its so fucking hard
  3. skittished

    Anyone going on schoolies between the 1oth and 21st on the Central Coast

    No not touche just normal, not unlike many people on bored of studies
  4. skittished

    Anyone going on schoolies between the 1oth and 21st on the Central Coast

    i don't know im not on the computer every sec every hour of everyday, unlike some people.
  5. skittished


    Theres nothing wrong with marist, im just glad ive finnished... and for all those people whosaid i dont go to marist, why the fuck did u come in here and say that sad cunts. nothing better to do go suck mummy. excuse the language
  6. skittished

    Who wasn't allowed to leave to 5pm??

    Is it just my school or is it other schools awell? for your pdhpe exam we wernt allowed to leave until 5pm and also with ENGLISH
  7. skittished


    ANYONE from marist aswell..
  8. skittished

    Relationships & HSC

    My physics teacher from sth africa has the same attitude, dont broke up before the HSC it will be you downfall..
  9. skittished

    Moody Girlfriends (bi-polar)

    sorry to hear that about ure friend mate.. bi-polar is a serious issue and it isnt regarded as one.. someone should be giving greater awareness to the community about bi polar and depression.
  10. skittished

    What do you look for in the opposite sex?

    beautiful in their own right. not other and kind
  11. skittished

    Relationships & HSC

    could i say both... *&%$#4 needs to study just like me however shes also miserabe as she dosent think i make the effort to see her, but in fact every opportunity i get i see her
  12. skittished

    Relationships & HSC

    What do you think about relationships during the hsc? break up? or...
  13. skittished

    Moody Girlfriends (bi-polar)

    all girls are moody.. dam straight.
  14. skittished

    Moody Girlfriends (bi-polar)

    sorry if this is repetitive.... speak out on moody gf's know..
  15. skittished

    Moody Girlfriends (bi-polar)

    hows everyones hsc going
  16. skittished

    Moody Girlfriends (bi-polar)

    moody gf..... do we need them or not?
  17. skittished

    Moody Girlfriends (bi-polar)

  18. skittished

    Moody boyfriends

    are they ure lips oz girl