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  1. H

    How important is your internal rank @ school?

    Thanks Anna. Im still studying my head off for Economics, but I am just very worried about Science =\ Sorry for double topic, clicked twice by accident, to mods : please remove the other thread
  2. H

    How important is your internal rank @ school?

    Hi all, I am currently curious about how the internal assessment rank will affect your ATAR. As all of you's should know, tomorrow is Economics and Senior Science exams, I am doing both subjects and I have been putting almost all my time into studying Economics. So I might not do so well in...
  3. H

    How important is your internal rank @ school?

    Hi everyone, I am curious as to how important your assessment ranks are from school as to how much it would affect your ATAR For example, I did well in my assessments + yearlies/half yearlies for Senior Science but I know I might not do too well tomorrow for the exam as I've spent all my...
  4. H

    Confused about the "offers" on UAC

    Ah okay, now I understand, which offer round is the one when most universities look at your ATAR and decide if they shall offer you a spot? Thanks in advance.
  5. H

    Confused about the "offers" on UAC

    Hey everyone, I am new here, thought I would register and browse around. I saw on the UAC website, there's an offer round table @ the bottom of the site, it states apply by, documents by, offers released etc etc.. If I understand it correctly, it is saying the first round of uni offers to...