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  1. C

    How are all of the Arts student's timetables?

    I have this one pesky tute on friday morning that I cannot get rid of. I went to get it changed today at the uni but it won't budge!!
  2. C

    Arts Network Mentoring Program

    Hi guys, I'm Caitlin I am in the blue group too! History/Archaeology subjects and I haven't got an email from my mentor either anyway I'm looking forward to Monday regardless
  3. C

    Semester 1 Timetables

    Its Archaeology. Well thanks anyway.
  4. C

    Semester 1 Timetables

    My timetable is telling me to "see Dept for room" what do I do?
  5. C

    Making my degree work! :)

    I was looking at this too a while back, you can take 1 philo subject and then take some more in second year because you have taken history subjects. Ie. the prerequisites for 2nd year phil is 2 1st year phil OR 1 phil and 1 hist subject. problems being this is only for certain 2nd year subjects...
  6. C

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    At high School we had about 1/5 of the year were form China and there was about the same proportion of bludgers to hard workers, I think. I don't hold any of this against them, by the end of yr12 we had a good co-existence happening. what I heard the other day from some of the people that work...
  7. C

    What are you currently Reading?

    Yes =D! this was one of the first books I read in my post HSC book binge and I LOVED it. atm I'm reading the red tent by anita D-something... i dunno why I'm reading it I'm not even jewish/christian! s'okay though..
  8. C

    What are you selecting?

    I'm doing Archaeology too! ARCA1001 ancient civilisations HSTY1025 middle ages ANHS1600 foundations for ancient greece but I'm to-ing and fro-ing on the forth unit.... ENGL1002 or latin....
  9. C

    Arts Network Mentoring Program

    I signed up for this today when I enrolled... should be interesting!
  10. C

    Post Your 2009 University Offers Here! (UAC, VTAC, etc) (No Spam)

    yes but i haven't got the late round offer yet.... so i have to turn up on my enrollment day even if im going to give up the spot later (maybe)
  11. C

    Post Your 2009 University Offers Here! (UAC, VTAC, etc) (No Spam)

    I got my first preference at USyd, which really shocked me because the cutoff is above my UAI. To accept i have to turn up to the University but i dunno if I want to go there anymore because i was expecting my second preference. To get a late round offer would mean defaulting on my Syd...
  12. C

    Dr Who

    while I am devastated to see DT leave I am willing to give the new guy a chance.... I haven't seen him act (although i remember in hindsight that he did have sex with Billie Piper on 'diary of a call girl') have to wait till 2010! (how far away that seems!)
  13. C

    USyd site crashed or is it just me?

    I'm trying to get on to accept my offer (so stoked i was settling for Mac! :D) but i can't get on to the site is it just me?
  14. C

    Macquarie Uni Info Day

    I'm probably going to Mac too - to do the natural and cultural heritage double degree. I found it helpful because at the September open day i had no clue what I was doing. This time i was armed with questions that no one seemed able to answer sufficiently because of the remodeling of the...
  15. C

    Q10 multiple choice

    I put b) too but its a stupid q. cause new age is so broad a definition- its a mish mash of east & west so some would reject materialism others would reject deities (but one of the key beliefs for some is polytheism and the mother earth goddess) bloody subjectiveness
  16. C

    Multiple Choice Analysis

    I really dont like q 8 4 was a bitch too
  17. C

    Section 2 analysis (15 markers)

    Judaism marriage and sexual ethics.... i wrote about the exchanging of rings then i realised i had to analyse significance to the individual for 6 marks writing about rings for 6 marks!!! it was only ever going to end in BS
  18. C

    Multiple Choice Analysis

    8 if def B because it is what would New Age reject!! their not s'posed to b materialistic they go for deities like the goddess mother earth- gaia i put A for 4.... i was going into this exam thinking there was going to be ambiguous q's there always is
  19. C

    General Thoughts - Ancient History

    my thoughts exactly! extension on mon! too hot to think now
  20. C


    hmmm cramming ancient and religion (one eye on each...) basically simultaneously. i really want a question on Xerxes relations with persians and non persians... or building program. pretty much all i know when in doubt just saw we dont really know/ not enough info!