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  1. T


    Is anyone else having trouble with Lectopia? Two of my lectures have already been posted and we were linked to them on moodle and blackboard respectively, but when I try to listen to them all I see is a black screen and hear static (have also tried to listen to the recording at different points...
  2. T

    Permitted Clashes

    Thank you so much, I really needed an outside opinion on this. I personally don't think I would suffer as much, because the French lecture is split over two different days and I can just fully attend the Japanese lecture on one day and miss French Lecture 1 of the week, and attend the second one...
  3. T

    Permitted Clashes

    As a result of changing my mind in terms of degree preferences, I've chosen to accept a late offer to UNSW. I've begun enroling and unfortunately there's a clash between two subjects, ARTS1480 and ARTS2630. They both appear as RED when I try to enrol in them :/ I was wondering what classifies...