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  1. underthesun

    BE (Software Engineering)

    and I'll probably be your seng mentor. MUAHAHAHA
  2. underthesun

    2004 Session 2 - Results and WAM (4 UPDATES)

    oh ok. was thinking of some webCT nerds ;) no offense to those who posts a lot on webct :D
  3. underthesun

    UNSW Info Day

    you mean usyd's one is on the same day too? I wonder what kind of free stuff do you get.. ? This all boils down to the question of which uni has the best free giveaways :D
  4. underthesun

    How does computer engineering compare and contrast to computer science?

    btw just wondering, how much presentations do we still get to do in 2nd year? I imagine the documentation and formal methods (aka B) part will still be big.. Actually, do we get to code in 2020? and also, the challenge has to come with some mooty bragging (e.g SENG workload = 2 * compsci...
  5. underthesun

    2004 Session 2 - Results and WAM (4 UPDATES)

    Huh, you're one of those! are you also one of those who posts tons on webCT?
  6. underthesun

    How does computer engineering compare and contrast to computer science?

    btw I heard from my tutor, that half or (insert some random huge amount more than half) of some 3rd year seng class failed, and had to be given "passes" since too many failed, because the work was just too hard? and if i can remember correctly, it involved c++ and cobra or something like...
  7. underthesun

    How does computer engineering compare and contrast to computer science?

    That's huge. I think McLake can answer that for us (sengers). for SENG, we might get to, since we get to be in a group of 3-5, and we have basically a whole semester to code a huge project. Hell, in total my group did ~150 page of documentation of a non-existent software, and predicting the...
  8. underthesun

    How does computer engineering compare and contrast to computer science?

    not DFDs :p Anyhow, DFDs, functional specs will come to you when your code reaches 5000+ lines. And if you wanna be able to outsource to some other countries, you'll need to be able to write them ;)
  9. underthesun

    How does computer engineering compare and contrast to computer science?

    Except the the fact that debugging as a joy is also a moot point :D. Going cowboy on programming is allright, except that it's suggested otherwise in real-life situation. Of course going cowboy-like is still acceptable on prac exams.. Allright, no gantt charts, no proposals, but I still write...
  10. underthesun

    How does computer engineering compare and contrast to computer science?

    Well, not too sure about the details, but I heard from my mom, that my nth ancestor was south american and we all know how to speak spanish. La hora es tarde, I'll get back to work ;)
  11. underthesun

    How does computer engineering compare and contrast to computer science?

    Who's this higher comp friend? Did you mean Richard? :p Nah, the real name is "Lorenzo Jose Mercedez", except back in my country "Yos" is a common name :p edit : please ignore the post below me, as it is made by a lunatic
  12. underthesun

    army sponsorship : compared to coop?

    Your John howard weblog explains it all :D
  13. underthesun

    How does computer engineering compare and contrast to computer science?

    About seng : while the kind of stuff you get to do in first year never seems like to be important, when doing research over it I came to lots of stuff about software engineering. About project planning.. bla bla bla.. What they teach you may sound or seem boring, but when you think about it...
  14. underthesun

    army sponsorship : compared to coop?

    that's probably because you're third year already :p
  15. underthesun

    2004 Session 2 - Results and WAM (4 UPDATES)

    Haha I also passed ACCT 1A, soo happy :D :D after 36/100 for midsession, it's kinda amazing :D
  16. underthesun

    army sponsorship : compared to coop?

    Hello, check out unimail: Right now, im drooling over the rent and textbook allowance. But does that salary mean you'll get 27k per year while you're at uni, + the salaries when you actually work in the army? Anybody knows? What do yous reckon with this, compared to coop?
  17. underthesun

    How does computer engineering compare and contrast to computer science?

    Well, i wouldn't know how hard 3rd/4th year electric eng subjects are (as they're part of compeng), but I can tell you some 3rd/4th compsci subjects is HARD. This opinion comes out after having to make a compiler (simple) as an introduction in 1st year computing for the later 3rd year course...
  18. underthesun

    How does computer engineering compare and contrast to computer science?

    Yep, in software eng, you get to learn about formal methods that the industry uses in software developments (such as requirements documents, UML although uml sucks, B method) and such. It's much more on the practical side of computers. Compsci is very flexible, in terms of how much...
  19. underthesun

    Co-op scholarships for comp sci / BIT

    Supposedly, BIT is a quarter computing, half information systems (i.e boring), and quarter biz. I really recommend computer science, unless you don't like programming.. Anyways, choosing between compsci and BIT means choosing between using linux computers and microsoft computers for most of...
  20. underthesun

    2004 Session 2 - Results and WAM (4 UPDATES)

    man, the mobs will get us now, and I for one welcome another one of haskell-using overlords. getting 100 in normal computing is more of a feat compared to getting 100 in higher comp, it's something to show off to your children. oh and very good choice to move to computer science ;)