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  1. fatalkaiser

    Hey michael, how you doing? How did you do in the hsc? Still working at greater union? ttyl

    Hey michael, how you doing? How did you do in the hsc? Still working at greater union? ttyl
  2. fatalkaiser

    Uni interviews and folios

    It really depends what course you're applying for. Im applying for an IT course, and all i have to put in my portfolio is a copy of my trial and hsc report, a 1 page introduction sheet that just says my details, what courses ive done, what else i have done that may be considered 'relevant' to...
  3. fatalkaiser

    General Thoughts - Physics

    Ive always been pretty sucky at maths anc calculations (got 9% in the trials for 2unit maths) and i'd heard from my teacher that physics hsc exams were tending away from being heavily maths based to more 'airy fairy' as he called it, more to do with rmemebering the theories and stuff.... which...
  4. fatalkaiser

    Courses by correspondence?

    Well, im doing my hsc next year, and this year in yr 11 i did chemistry, but because everyone except me dropped out im the only one continuing it next year. Now the school says if i want to continue doing it for the hsc i have to do it by correspondance. I dont really have much of a clue whats...
  5. fatalkaiser

    To drop or not to drop question

    I sort of know how you feel. Lets just say maths has never been my fave subject(ok its my worst) but im doing an engineering course at uni, which lists maths as assumed knowledge. Thats pretty much the only reason i chose 2u maths(and there was nothing else on that line i wanted to do) But...