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  1. D

    Multiple Choice

    I reckon I got 13 maybe, screwed up a couple ie 12.... didnt read the question grr
  2. D


    I went with b. Seemed easier to me. A seemed a lot more about Law reform and such, and B just seemed to be a lot more about consumer remedies to conflict and how legislation etc protects consumers from misleading practices. Same kinda stuff every year i thought, just with a modification of words!!!
  3. D

    LEGAL STUDIES So....what ya think?

    Unbelievably easy breezy!! t'was my last exam, glad its over yip!
  4. D

    So who's screwed for legal studies?

    Heh they missed out like pretty much the whole chapter for crime except a little bit!! One of the easiest exams ive done in my life i though, apart from the english exam when I lived in spain. Question 1: The Cat ___ on the mat a) sitted b) sat c) visited d) saw ............:mad1:
  5. D

    So, who's finished?

    FINISHED! Found it easier compared to other years, but i really dont give a flying fook anymore! formal on 20th yay. Just weird waking up with nothing planned, not that im complaining! :)
  6. D

    RAW Marks

    Hope I get high 80's or low 90's to get scaled up. I'd hope 90's with what was written, but seeing everyone else and thems writing 60 million pages for each essay and me managing 7 and 8 respectively, im not so hopeful.
  7. D

    Retreat from the Global

    And Happy Birthday Miss Vertis!! Hope you enjoyed writing about a seed on ur 18th rofl. :rofl:
  8. D

    Retreat from the Global

    Lmao nice to know someone sees my pissedoffedness. It was like i was reading thru, a letter, a key, a book, wait wait wtf a seedling? They really sunk low this year. I think I had to stifle my laugh a little bit. :confused:
  9. D

    Retreat from the Global

    Well, the essay was simple enough.. just said they showed it to some extent, but also embracing certain aspects of the global (ie gammy bird, newspaper, and heaneys pen). Think I did ok anyway. As for the creative, simple enough, but A SEEDLING?!?! wtf?! :mad1: Seemed random, but did ok...
  10. D

    Retreat From The Global

    I'm gonna use previous life experience for creative, so i can write with conviction. Saves me making one up. use bout 2 or 3, but memorise 6 or so for the versatility! Good luck Dave! Ps I wish my name was Dave too, its such a good name haha
  11. D

    Retreat From The Global

    Yay glad I could be of help ya!! Good luck to everyone tooooooo! Hope it will be easier than we predict. And I agree with Simone. I feel i am going to burn my copy of Shipping news, as well as every other piece related to globalisation or any retreat from it. Plus I love bonfires. :burn...
  12. D


    Haha well they wont arrest you if you do it, so its legal. I shudnt think you would, they separate the two questions, dont do it as one, so i assume you will get away with it. However, im screwed for RFTFG =(
  13. D


    Prolly. Dunno anyone whos tried it, but i dunno. If u know both of them, then good luck to u
  14. D

    Wow... Now that's stress

    AHHHHHHHHHH MISS VERTIS hahaha damn u!! ive been on here a while. Unfortunately my creative juices have oozed into the drain from my ext eng 2 thingy and im screwed for ext eng 1. Yippee
  15. D

    Retreat From The Global

    Good luck to you too!! Just had some discussion with someone, it actually helped nack my brain a lil, so yay i think i get it. I envy u simone! id love a good teacher, just teaching myself isnt the same. Ah well we will see what happens! Hope they are nice this year, they have been so far!
  16. D

    Retreat From The Global

    I've found the same Because ext english is so open its hard to predict whats gonna be there. As for creative, I've thought sod it, I know the concepts for RFTG, when I get in there I'm gonna see the question and see what I can do from it! It would be nice to know from Glitterfairy what...
  17. D

    Retreat From The Global

    Wow are 2007 Ext Englishers dead this year? Threads gone quiet. Anyway, thanks to Glitterfairy for the help in this thread, even though its help from years back, its heaps appreaciated and helped me :). Teacher we have hasn't got a sniff of an idea on RFTG, so I've had to teach myself. I'll...
  18. D

    Who's Doing King Lear Here?

    Well i went to South Sydney, dunno if thats the same as u, but they distribute the questions out everywhere for the trials. I cant believe how easy the HSC question was for this!!! Just studying for Ext eng now =(
  19. D

    I am officially insane.

    I feel your pain! Just finished film with 7 hours til handing in. So stressed I want to kill everyone.... How fun.... Good luck mate =) I'm just hoping for a bloody pass lol
  20. D

    Wow... Now that's stress

    Ok, its now 1:07am... 7 hours before the major work and reflection statement is due in, and I'm done... I can't believe how much stress this has been to make a film!!!! Found it difficult to convey my thoughts and concepts onto screen, but I think I just pulled it off, I hope so anyway! Did...