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  1. jkwii

    Secret to achieving 95+ in pdh???

    my teacher tells us that to get tops marks u need to basically use your textbook and syllabus to note take... your textbook should have headings so wha u do for an exam or revision of a core or option is u take ur notes/summaries and resummarise them, and orally answer each dot point... im doing...
  2. jkwii

    Conics question

    thanks so much! that rally helped a lot
  3. jkwii

    Conics question

    hey how do u find the equations of the tangents to an ellipse from an external point?
  4. jkwii

    A Comparison of Textbooks

    for 4U u gotta use patel and coroneos cambridge is ok but not enough questions and too many examples, terry lee just has worked solutions and more Qs and fitzpatrick is the minimum for a student to do... i use patel mainly and coroneos for more questions... doing conics now :)
  5. jkwii

    Supp Texts - Inner

    the shipping news (novel ) not the film
  6. jkwii

    Comparison of Maths Ext 2 books

    well coroneos is good but i think u need to use it with patel (not excel!)... im wokring wid dem and finding it much easier before... btw dont work through every bloody question itll kill u..
  7. jkwii

    Inner journey related material

    look for the shipping news... its a movie and a really good book.. kal varnsen
  8. jkwii

    Finding Pd Hard

    i was struggling kinda last yr biut have this sweet teacher who basically tells us what to do (study wise). he says basically whatever the teacher covers in class should be summarised by u on the same day... something to do with short term to long term memory... after u do that for each sub...
  9. jkwii

    yr 12 subject woes

    10 units all the way... but only if u r confident.. me im doing 4 maths, adv eng, chem and pdhpe... i happy and im comign like 10 ten in each subject except for my english :)
  10. jkwii

    Work Experience

    Did mine at Turramurra Music Centre. Really fun and got a $75 discount on anything there as well. The website is
  11. jkwii

    Subject choices for next year

    I'm doing English Extension 1 Mathematics Extension 1 Chemistry Business Studies (drop in yr 12) PD/H/PE Photography(1 unit, only Yr 11)