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  1. ~[TaLeC]~

    whatcha reakon? and what school?

    I thought the exam wasn't too bad...only like 1-2 evaluate type questions in paper one, and the rest identify or descirbe questions made it pretty easy in fact... And yeah...I'm from HAHS
  2. ~[TaLeC]~


    Also, in Uni and have to do alot of your own learning along the way...with the teacher there to run through the harder if you get a crap teacher...think of it as preparation :S
  3. ~[TaLeC]~


    I have a good teacher....and I'm enjoying chem...but the stuff you learn isn't that hard to learn in the first place... I'll be chucking my chem notes up on this site after the HSC after I've finished and perfected them...and there's also a few sets of syllabus notes up here
  4. ~[TaLeC]~

    Industrial Chem

    Industrial chem isn't so bad...I was actually hoping my school would do forensic chem...which although is a bit harder, would be interesting enough to make you want to learn it... But yeah...we made our soap today....not bad...but also not much...
  5. ~[TaLeC]~

    wat is the role of electron transfer?

    Down below somewhere is a thread on electron transfer reactions...that explains the majority of it...but basically the electron transfer allows for the displacement of metal from a solution of it's ions by another more reactive metal....
  6. ~[TaLeC]~

    Industrial Chem

    It's all in should give you structural which case you'll notice the structures are similar, except that oils have double bonds which means they're unsaturated.... but yeah...rather than writing up the formula...check textbook...
  7. ~[TaLeC]~


    The prelim course is pretty much half i got really bored with it....but I was happy I kept it for year 12, cause there is new stuff, and most of it is interesting...
  8. ~[TaLeC]~

    Electron Transfer Reactions

    You talking about REDOX reactions?? In which case: Let's say you have a solution of dissolved metal ions. If you put another more reactive metal in that solution, it will displace the dissolved metal....which for your definition purpose is simply "A more reactive metal will displace a less...
  9. ~[TaLeC]~

    Year 12 PiCS

    it's just that it's 70 or so kb... with a 56k modem running at 3k a'll be lucky to get 40k done when the page loads... ...k?...
  10. ~[TaLeC]~

    Which OS do you use?

    Switched to XP yesterday and regretting it :( and yeah.....I browse many forums :)
  11. ~[TaLeC]~


    Hmmm...hopefully get at least 1-2 hours of study on top of homework... I plan to get at least 1 past HSC paper for each of my subjects done every week up until the holidays before the HSC...and then I might go for 2-3 per week...all the while just going over material...
  12. ~[TaLeC]~

    School / Subject

    Hurlstone Ag. Adv. Eng 3U Maths Physics Chemistry Agriculture
  13. ~[TaLeC]~

    Need Help with Dotpoint.

    As sulfuric acid is a strong acid, it ionises nearly completely in solution...the ionisation of H2SO4 is exothermic as H2SO4 basically has a strong affinity to water... I think that's all you can cover on that point, cause that's all the textbook wants to explain... for any...
  14. ~[TaLeC]~

    salt bridges in galvanic cells

    Conquering chemistry words things better...but chem contexts looks closer at things and can provide more relevant info... e.g. Chem contexts has stuff on lithium cells, conquering chem doesn' if you wanted to make a comparison amongst cells (a common question) then the lithium and dry...
  15. ~[TaLeC]~


    Well by now you should have been taught the basics of writing an essay...but if you're still unsure, ask your english teachers for a text-type pack...or something like that on essays at least.... Technically, since essays are about developing your own style of answering a question...getting...
  16. ~[TaLeC]~

    chem 2002 - with a poll!

    Although physics has it's motors and generators and medical physics topics... CHEM ALL THE WAY :)
  17. ~[TaLeC]~


    Knowing ALL your syllubus information garuntees you at least 80-85% ....and that's a nice pass...if you want as high as you can possibly go, you have to be able to apply knowing how your formulas actually work is a plus... Some questions can be weird, and may relate materials...
  18. ~[TaLeC]~


    someone mentioned above the mediawatch website also if you don't mind reading, the novel "The Fourth Estate" by Jeffery's even got a few great quotes to use in it...from the editor of a newspaper "I Lied" also as far as simpsons
  19. ~[TaLeC]~

    Frontline Help!!!

    Frontline is module C....if you look in some kind of english's all about the case of frontline, it's the representation of truth... Related materials are easy to can look in newspaper for articles with a biased opinion, and then go a bit more in...
  20. ~[TaLeC]~

    Year 12 PiCS

    *edit* I must admit...nice job with the a and e in yours...didn't see it the first time :D :D :D