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  1. E

    whys the uai going up for unsw engineering...dammit

    if you're ranked well in whatever school you go to, you should have no troubles getting 80 uai.
  2. E

    general UNSW chit-chat

    i've starting hating the biomed theatres since the start of this session. it gets fucking stuffy or hot if you happen to sit near the back, and if you have a whole course worth of people crammed in those little rooms, it annoys the hell outta you because the heat gets exponentially hotter. and...
  3. E

    whys the uai going up for unsw engineering...dammit

    you solve real life problems and shit, for companies.
  4. E

    Software Engineering Q's

    as a general biased note, if transport doesn't worry you (sif you couldn't spare 15-20mins each way for a bus ride), then unsw > uts at everything :p
  5. E

    Courses & Careers Day 2006

    stop the lies plz
  6. E

    Courses & Careers Day 2006

    doesn't the library close at 6 on weekends
  7. E

    general UNSW chit-chat

    the trains with the windows that curve at the top are teh winnar. the seats go up high so you can easily sleep on them :)
  8. E

    whys the uai going up for unsw engineering...dammit

    A credit average isn't anything much to brag about really... unless it's a higher credit average (~72+). I'm sitting on a credit average myself and I find that it sits very low compared to a lot of my friends. I dislike your overuse of the phrase "as high as a credit average" - It's not high...
  9. E

    whys the uai going up for unsw engineering...dammit

    (i think he means 10 hours study per semester)
  10. E

    general UNSW chit-chat

    just tell them to shut up, then storm off one time i was on a train and some guy was whistling for ages he goes "shut up you canary"... and he did
  11. E

    general UNSW chit-chat

    what were they doing
  12. E

    whys the uai going up for unsw engineering...dammit

    it's highly unlikely that it would deviate from 85
  13. E

    whys the uai going up for unsw engineering...dammit

    zomg avatar stealarrrr 70-80 in raw marks is more than enough to get an 85 UAI assuming you don't go to some dumbass school. once again, assuming you don't go to some dumbass school that makes easy exams, 70-80s in those subjects would be scaled up to high band 5s-band 6s in the hsc
  14. E

    general UNSW chit-chat

    what's with those hoodies that have the superman symbol on the front?
  15. E

    Law Revue: Hostile Powers

    no because med students are smarter and funnier
  16. E

    Wireless Internet Access @ UNSW

    i'm pretty sure maths doesn't block boredofstudies. the library computers block half teh interweb tho :(
  17. E

    NSW Query

    nah u
  18. E

    NSW Query

  19. E

    NSW Query
