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  1. MaNiElla

    Israel and Palestine

    Re: Israel For Dummies LOL......If they werent alive, where were they? :confused: If the land owners where "not alive" getting the land wouldnt have cased so much commotion, since the land was deserted and it didnt have any owners. What a silly post..
  2. MaNiElla

    Israel and Palestine

    Re: Israel For Dummies no the vote is not democratic, plus palestinians are not allowed in jerusalem, the isralies dont let palestinians males under 50 years to enter jerusalem. While on the other hand, any israeli person is allowed to enter Jerusalem regardless of age.......this is not...
  3. MaNiElla

    New secret US base in Australia

    LOL....obsessed with you? :eek: :eek: Ha! this just shows the fact that you cant bear to see people point out your mistakes and hypocricy ;)
  4. MaNiElla

    UN envoy hits Israel 'apartheid'

    Exactly, study islam not the people.....Excellent post.....I salute you mate :)
  5. MaNiElla

    New secret US base in Australia

    I agree, Aryan is one foul mouthed hypocrite...
  6. MaNiElla

    Israel and Palestine

    Re: Israel For Dummies yeah..... you rattled on about some nonsense alright..... I wonder why the europeans were so anti-semitic :confused: :confused: oh...this explains it... LOL :rofl: I dont call giving Jews 55% of the land (if not more) that belongs to palestinians, peacefull...
  7. MaNiElla

    Israel and Palestine

    EXCUSE ME ?? :mad1:
  8. MaNiElla

    Israel and Palestine

    and I also hope that you and aryanBeauty don't implore the future students you may have to share similar Anti-Islamic and Anti-Arab views, that demand the destruction of an entire country (such as palestine or other counties that Aryan keeps dissing) :) ;)
  9. MaNiElla

    UN envoy hits Israel 'apartheid'

    On the contrary, You see, there are many Muslim scientists that invented many many things, that contributed to positive human development to this very day. You wont be able to exist nor will this modern world if these scientists didn’t invent the basics for you before hand. Below are a couple of...
  10. MaNiElla

    UN envoy hits Israel 'apartheid'

    ] ::cough::AryanBeauty::cough
  11. MaNiElla

    Computer Science Semester 1 subjects plz help!

    Yeah as Scanorama said, you have to work like really hard for CSCI114. I advise you to try to spend as much time as you can coding using a good complier. Also take time to read the error messages, that compiler gives you. Always understand why the error is given, make it a point because that is...
  12. MaNiElla

    Israel and Palestine

    Once again my old will never learn. You just proved that you tend to post some rubbish, when you dont have a answer for a question. So unless you have the ultimate proof of users with multiple accounts, please stop harrassing other participants in this forum. Peace Mate :wave:
  13. MaNiElla

    UN envoy hits Israel 'apartheid'

    Well, JaredR does have a point, I think that this is the time to start showing that BoredOfStudies should be a peaceful multicultural place. Aryan, Try not to bring personal problems here, becuase you start insulting others. People are than sadly forced to UNWILLINGLY reply to your posts with...
  14. MaNiElla

    New secret US base in Australia

    WTH........someone's going reall psycho here.....
  15. MaNiElla

    UN envoy hits Israel 'apartheid'

    Can you do us a favour and post your proof ( a link perhaps) of that ??? ooooppss......I forgot that im talking to a bullshit artist :rofl:
  16. MaNiElla

    Israel and Palestine

    You must have lots of experience in creating multiple "accounts", since your always accusing others of having multiple accounts (I've read those acusations in more than one thread).....Anyway, whats it to you if people have multiple accounts? ? ? ....get a life mate;) English please.....
  17. MaNiElla

    Arab Racism, genocide of blacks and Apartheid in Sudan

    since when are pakistani, indians, bangladeshi, indonesians, fillipino and black africans, considered as arabs. Indian Princess........dont tell me that your desperate to be a arab? ? :rofl:
  18. MaNiElla

    uow med sci 2007

    You just buy one from the supermarket ;-)