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  1. Skillo

    The Examiners Come To Town

    23rd is the first possible day for examinations.
  2. Skillo

    Help - Spec. Fic.

    Hey Llyrai, As you know I'm doing Spec Fic and I'm sorry that I haven't been about more often to help. I'm afraid our class didn't do Cyteen, however I know that the supplementary material (I think its a commentary or sumthin???) is on the Board of Studies website and there are some notes for...
  3. Skillo


    Aww thanks grk_styl. It made me feel better! It's just that, a trial...I'll learn from my mistakes! Aha. I've come down with the flu so I was pissing everyone off in our english exam sniffling and sneezing...its my subtle way of distraction! :)
  4. Skillo

    how will you go in drama???

    I am praying for a Band 6. At the moment...High Band 5 is on the cards. I didn't perform my best in our Drama trial
  5. Skillo


    Skillo has just entered the Trials void...*groan* F#@ked up my drama exam yesterday. I'm in a really sh*t mood as a result of it...
  6. Skillo

    Running Up A Dress

    Can you be a little more specific?
  7. Skillo

    The Examiners Come To Town

    Fluffed de Trial Hey...our school is the 31st of August! Hurrah! At least a week after the completion of our trials... While on the topic of trials. I have VA today, I did Drama yesterday and came out of the exam...teary. It was awful. I hated the Contemporary Australian Theatre question. We...
  8. Skillo

    Can't choose LOTR?

    I dunno if you can or cannot choose it. But LOTR-FOTR is a perscribed text for Extension English Module 1: Genre - Elective: Speculative Fiction. If you are not allowed to use it, it would probably only apply to the first film, which is the text on the list.
  9. Skillo

    Drama Essay Questions.

    aha. I've always been a Contemporary Australian Theatre gal myself. Its all good. Tomorrow I've got my Drama trial, so yeah... FREAK OUT! First day of trials tomoz. Good luck everyone. CHHOOOOKKKAASS!! :p
  10. Skillo

    Private school fees

    I'm guessing that Snapperhead teaches in either the independent/private/catholic systems. "State school teachers whinging about their salaries..." ???? I'd like to see you live in a household funded by two state school teachers. Teachers are paid crap, no matter what system they are...
  11. Skillo

    Drama Essay Questions.

    Thanks for the questions guys. However, after doing plans for the past HSC paper questions I am now seeking questions from class exercises (NOT TRIALS). i.e. questions formulated by your class teacher...NOT for Esp. questions on Brecht. We've only used the past HSC one...GRRR...
  12. Skillo

    Does anyone here go to Yanko Ag High?

    Goat rooters and roo shooters lol, a boy from my school went there and when he comes back home for visits he's totally fat, obnoxious and horny. It's a pity that you've lost your teacher to Yanco, yulia. Just out of interest, Sarzzabelle, what school do you go to? I'm from Albury.
  13. Skillo

    Onstage 2004

    So know that feeling honey, trials start next week for me, and drama and english are on the first day. Guess who hasn't finished their english or drama summaries?!?! When we get that HORRIBLE feeling, we have to lie down, take a deep breath and sing either; the postman pat theme song or/ and the...
  14. Skillo

    Post your Major Work!

    Omg. Artfag, your work is totally f**king awesome. I'm so far behind. I'm only 2/3rds the way through. I'll post pics when I get around to it.
  15. Skillo

    ?? shed some light ne1?

    Hello Circles. I'm still at high school and somehow stumbled across to this. I want to do the same! I'm really passionate about performing and technical theatre. I'm still researching about it at Wollongong, but I'll PM u if I come up with anything interesting. - Kate.
  16. Skillo


    My school starts sending out warning letters at that. Whats the point of doing the HSC and not attending school anyway? (Except for those ppl who are away cause of illness, family probs, etc)
  17. Skillo


    Hmmm. Study Study Study for me today. No more partying. Trials are in a week and two days.... freak out. :(
  18. Skillo

    Theatrical Careering

    My oh my that man is gorrrrgeous. My dream is to study Technical Production at the VCA.
  19. Skillo


    It's something like 15% of days of the HSC. I know it works out being 1.2 days absent a week.
  20. Skillo

    Group progress????

    Ditto....(damn 10 characters...what if we want to be short and sweet??)