Search results

  1. chocolate_lover

    What will you do when the HSC is finished? Life after the HSC...

    Re: HSC'S FINISHED!!! (what will you do) I've got no idea what I'll do... maybe get a job, or something? Lol, you and your nodding furiously! :p
  2. chocolate_lover

    How was your school day?

    I had an assignment due on Monday (PD/H/PE) and one due today (Physics). Argh. :S I'm glad they're over.
  3. chocolate_lover

    HSC Exam Timetable?

    They probably have a cattle prod too. :uhhuh:
  4. chocolate_lover

    About you

    :rofl: I agree, it's awesome!
  5. chocolate_lover

    HSC Exam Timetable?

    Yes, it is possible. :(
  6. chocolate_lover

    2007 NRL Thread

    They're going down on Saturday. :p Country vs City Here's the team lists: Country
1. Brett Stewart (Sea Eagles)
2. Josh Morris (Dragons)
3. Anthony Quinn (Storm)
4. Phil Graham (Raiders)
5. Amos Roberts (Roosters)
6. Kurt Gidley (Knights)
7. Brett Kimmorley (Sharks)
8. Brett White (Storm)
  7. chocolate_lover

    HSC Exam Timetable?

    Didn't you write that in your last post? So they don't know exactly when it will be out? :confused:
  8. chocolate_lover

    HSC Exam Timetable?

    Have a look here:
  9. chocolate_lover

    Building a Transformer

    Lol, a bit of a late reply. I handed it in today, so yeah. Thanks anyway.
  10. chocolate_lover

    HSC Exam Timetable?

    Hahaha! :p Don't you? ;) You mean without the computer? :eek:
  11. chocolate_lover

    About you

    For the past two days, I've been doing assignments (on due on Monday, one due on Tuesday) so I haven't spoken to anyone on msn for ages. Hahaha.
  12. chocolate_lover

    OMG, my half yearly result!

    Now, that's good advice!
  13. chocolate_lover

    Motivation tips for ENGLISH

    If only... :rolleyes:
  14. chocolate_lover

    I "need" to drop something...advice?

    If you are enjoying all of your subjects, and performing well in them all, you should definitely keep them all. They can't really force you to drop anything. And remember, it's your HSC, not your teachers. :uhhuh: Maybe they need a reminder about that?
  15. chocolate_lover

    Marks = ...?

    LOL Gab. :p:p What would we do without the white writing?!
  16. chocolate_lover

    2007 Jerseys

    Exactly. :uhhuh:
  17. chocolate_lover

    HSC Exam Timetable?

    Our school hasn't even mentioned it! Lol, nice and random. :) Are you going, or will you stay at home all day on BoS? :p
  18. chocolate_lover

    About you

    I love how my name is at the top of those lists...:D
  19. chocolate_lover

    2007 Jerseys

    So true! I've got an S and it's pretty big for me. But it's nice and warm, so I'm not complaining!