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  1. SoCal


    Yeah, that scene was a bit freaky. Man, I have got to pay more attention to the small details if they are important in this show:).
  2. SoCal

    The Shins

    How awesome were The Shins last night! I was impressed by the two support bands too. The Red Riders started off with a couple of bad song but got much better, a few of there songs were great. 78 Saab were excellent too. Overall it was a very awesome night:D!
  3. SoCal

    the OC

    Yeah, I agree. I only get annoyed when we are more than one season behind America. Half a season is understandable. I also agree that there is no way that Channel Ten will air double episodes:).
  4. SoCal

    the OC

    :). Yeah, Channel Seven really stuffed around with That '70s Show:(.
  5. SoCal


  6. SoCal

    the OC

    That is not right. It is mainly due to the fact that our ratings seasons don't correlate. Also, it costs more money to air the episodes the closer you get to the American air dates. The American broadcasting companies also pay for the production of the show so they want to be the first to air...
  7. SoCal

    Medical Investigation

    Thanks:). So there is one new case every episode:)?
  8. SoCal

    Medical Investigation

    I was going to watch it but forgot about it:(. What was it about exactly:)?
  9. SoCal


    Damn, I forgot about that show:(. Was it good:)?
  10. SoCal


    I will definitely be following the whole series unless it gets a lot worse. So does it get better:)?
  11. SoCal


    I have been waiting for "Lost" for a couple of months now and again, as with Desperate Housewives, it didn't live up to my expectations:(. Granted it was still great and I was enthralled for the whole hour. I noticed a few Alias faces among the group too;).
  12. SoCal

    the OC

    This is touched on in the next episode. You will get your questions answered:p. Haha, yeah that was pretty funny. I couldn't stand watching a show with the voice out of sync with their lips though:(.
  13. SoCal

    the OC

    Yeah, it was very predictable but they really didn't have a choice. The whole show is based around Ryan and they couldn't just split everyone apart:).
  14. SoCal

    the OC

    That is kind of a spoiler you wrote there firehose and Bradna, the last line sentence of your post is definitely a spoiler:mad:.
  15. SoCal

    the OC

    Are you sure? It looked identical to me:). Yeah, as mizz_smee said earlier, most people here use BitTorrent but you can use IRC too. I will only use IRC if all of the Torrent indexing pages get taken down. There is plenty of information about BitTorrent if you do a search on it in this...
  16. SoCal

    One Tree Hill

    Haha, no, Lost is on Channel Seven:p.
  17. SoCal

    ADSL2+ Register your interest!

    Only a select few suburbs in Sydney have access to it though, although I still wouldn't get it if I had access to it:).
  18. SoCal

    the OC

    That was in one of the episodes:p. Yeah, I hate how Channel Ten spoiled most of last season. That is one of the major benefits of downloading the series, although I have unfortunately still managed to picked up a few spoilers:mad:.
  19. SoCal

    the OC

    Yeah, there was the one where they were talking about Sandy being hungover but what was the other one:)? Summer annoys me:p.
  20. SoCal

    the OC

    I think there was only one deleted scene:p.