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  1. truly-in-bliss

    the scaling or business

    1. dont feel fucked, cuz ur not ...well phsyicalli 2. pm meeh with ur rnakings and raw marks if u want a uai estimation if that makes u feel good..
  2. truly-in-bliss

    Short Answers

    yeah asset strippign was a obvious one..
  3. truly-in-bliss

    the scaling or business

    eco aint so bad.... but standard english scales way low.. lyk dunt mean to scar ya but last yr ..onli 1% got into band 5..
  4. truly-in-bliss

    the scaling or business

    the ability of candidature is slgihtli lower than say ext 2 maths.. hence overall.... it's relativeli lowli scaled.
  5. truly-in-bliss

    How much did you write?

    obviousli u have never done it.. ;)
  6. truly-in-bliss

    the scaling or business

    general maths = 20.3 biz = 24.3 hence biz scales more than gneral maths... but keep in mind that the neautral (ie: no advantage or disadvantage in scaling) is 25..hence both are scaled down..
  7. truly-in-bliss

    How much did you write?

    but quality + quantity > quality or quantity
  8. truly-in-bliss

    Estimate Your mark

    estimating ur marks is sorta pointless....but nonetheless keep on estiamting if u wanna..
  9. truly-in-bliss

    This is what I think to get 20/20 in multis you needed.......

    rofl! my typing is usualli aint fly cuz i type extrememli fast.. haha and yeah cowboy i can layer them proerpli... haha
  10. truly-in-bliss

    do hsc markers mark harshly?

    i third that....
  11. truly-in-bliss

    How much did you write?

    who says mine aint abt quality? hahah speak for urself... haha :p ;)
  12. truly-in-bliss

    This is what I think to get 20/20 in multis you needed.......

    yeah i remember putting down lyk aartibtraiton for the second quesiotn instead of mediation... and when i was checking was lyk *omg! hwat was i thinking? ahah*
  13. truly-in-bliss

    School Rivalries

    i remmber danebank used to be heapz good.... i also remember them saying something abt not losing to kograh high and osme othr public skool i forgot the name of....
  14. truly-in-bliss

    Organisational methods?

    yeah datz wot i dont lyk abt biz SA....... the questions can be v ambiguous..and u dunno woot answer they are after..
  15. truly-in-bliss

    Section IV - Management and change, ahh!

    u have posted once and ur already loving us... hahaha datz great! hahah yeah i must agree.. da last seciotn was shitly structured... the 2 quesitons were almost identicial...just the first part of both quesitons alterd slightli.....but other than that... the questions were identical....
  16. truly-in-bliss

    no case studies=band4???

    sorry to disappoint u gal, but u would get something around band 4.....if the content is exceptionalli good...maybe low band 5, but band 6 or high band 5 is defianteli out of the picture... the markers vary as well u must remmeber.... so some markers might not be harsh if u have really good...
  17. truly-in-bliss


    i did 6 for section 3 i did 4 for section 4.
  18. truly-in-bliss

    Post HSC exam depression

    yeah soemthing lyk that..i just got burnt out... lyk i am not even stressed abt exams now... which sorta makes meeh sad cuz i someitmes i cant even be motivateed to put the effort in.. oh well
  19. truly-in-bliss

    Post HSC exam depression

    but lyk if i dont get into the course... i dunno.... parts of meeh realli wanna do this over again... cuz lyk during this yr..sooo mani things happened... and overall i onli gave 70% of what i put in in yr 10.... i dont lyk high skool at all or yr 12... i just lyk learning.... but this yr...
  20. truly-in-bliss

    do hsc markers mark harshly?

    i am sorry 0o0, i just dunt belive what you have said, i had markers as my teachers...and i know markers outside of skool, and none of them mark da reports in da manner that u have just described.