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    English texts for justice

    does anyone know any good movies or books that i could use for justice in English??? thanks
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    anyone doing prelim music?

    well, i'm doing music 1, because they don't offer it at my school i don't really know what the difference is? does anyone? Isn't music 2 for for advanced people or something?
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    anyone doing prelim music?

    Thanks for the help I just realise i don't know how to set out my answer to the Aural Paper Do you have to write in an essay style or can you use point form??
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    anyone doing prelim music?

    i hate performing so much, i just get so nervous. Do you think that if i play more in front of people i'll get used to it? oh, i play piano, and i'm doing 7th grade any suggestions on pieces the markers may like?
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    anyone doing prelim music?

    also, i was wondering what pieces, you're going to preform for your half yearlies??
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    Kenneth Slessor

    hey guys i really really need some notes about kenneth slessor and his poems, particularly night ride and country towns can anyone help??
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    anyone doing prelim music?

    music 1, my school doesn't offer music 2
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    anyone doing prelim music?

    hey i was just wondering if anyone else was doing music, as an elective i need some pointers in answering some pracise aural questions