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  1. Jase

    Bhor Bhor u r such a bore...need help!!!

    I spelt it right the second time! It cancels out.
  2. Jase

    Bhor Bhor u r such a bore...need help!!!

    If I were you, and you were a marker, I would give me 4 marks. But really, if you actaully write that out on a page, that would fill the space for a 4 mark question... I dont think you need to know the maths in detail.
  3. Jase

    ArtXpress Selection pool

    They sure did raise the stakes heaps... that means it's getting better and better all the time.
  4. Jase

    Bhor Bhor u r such a bore...need help!!!

    Most of the times, those 4 mark questions dont really need to be that detailed. Like one paragraph will do. 5 6 markers are a bit more, so you most of the time need to start crapping on a tangent. Underline the keywords, i.e. 'hydrogen spectrum. mathematical model. Bohr.'- and then talk about as...
  5. Jase

    Braggs' experiment

    Those two arent quite the same, It's the same pattern and same principle. But Davisson and Germer used a different method to discover completely different things (discluding the fact that they used electrons). All they did was shoot electrons into one crystal and it reflected/scattered off the...
  6. Jase

    Art Express Nominees- Post your works here

    omg omg omg THAT's why its so nostalgic .... Graeme Base is like.. the coolest. I wonder where my animalia went.
  7. Jase

    AC motor

    No what you need to ask yourself is why don't DC motors work without a commutator...
  8. Jase

    Generator Current Direction Help needed please!!!

    Here's a similar if not exact same thread: It's a confusing question definately.
  9. Jase


    There's a rumour of a rumour of a rumour that ilovechildren7 loves children. and is gay.
  10. Jase

    Motors and Generators - Success one

    yup. and yup.
  11. Jase

    Art Express Nominees- Post your works here

    wow, i love the concept Caboodles. Numbat? havn't seen one of those before.. what about Glamourous Gorrilla or Glamourous Gazelle or Glamourous Goo-monster. hey this is fun.. Plutonic Platypus Sexy Shrew Bullying Bunyip Homosexual Hippopotamus Crackpot Crocodile for some reason...
  12. Jase


    All i know is, that those things are small and hurt like hell when you poke yourself with the pointy ends. That, and that they act as amplifiers by using a npn or pnp layer when current passes from collecter to emitter. and the base is the middle one, which makes it do something somehow. And...
  13. Jase

    Art Express Nominees- Post your works here

    ahhahahah your avatar is hilarious. It probably is the case, but how can you be SURE you didn't get nominated unless they physically called you up and said... "Hi, you didn't get nominated. Sorry. Bye. Better luck next year, wait there is no next year.. WHAHAAHAHAHHAAH." I bet your...
  14. Jase

    Motors and Generators - Success one

    but it's inducing a south pole on the OTHER side of the loop, like not at the front. So the poles are reversed. for 22 b) imagine that the loop is a solenoid with only one turn. So put it on its side. Now imagine that the magnetic field is the north pole of a bar magnet. By reducing that...
  15. Jase

    fuck the board of studies

    ahah what the? congratulations! so what about that orgy? EDIT: awww.... (thats's about art express, not the orgy)
  16. Jase

    Motors and Generators - Success one

    1. I dont know lol.. i guessed A for some reason. You see, my logic was, grip around bar magnet with thumb pointing up to have anticlockwise current. So theres an anti-clockwise conventional current flowing around in the reservoir. then the wire is also positively charged, so it's pushed away...
  17. Jase

    magnetic stuff

    okay you just confused me lol. Ah okay woops my interpretation was wrong. that 'horizontal' is a misleading word, it should be both are moving in uniform circular motion. Yes there is a force exerted by the field. As it moves to a horizontal position, its cutting the field at right angles...
  18. Jase

    fuck the board of studies

    Actaully it's not the board, its those stuck up elite art curators who prance around the galleries with their Chardonnay and walking sticks and egotistical postmodern attitudes. Unless, that is the board, in which case the Board are even gayer than i ever imagined. How do ya know she didn't...
  19. Jase

    panick stations

    ahah.. good luck to those who have a crammed week. I got art a week after physics.. wow, a whole week, as if anyone really studies for art anyway. So im basically finished after physics! woohoo
  20. Jase

    Braggs' experiment

    Davisson and Germer is quanta to quarks, im guessing you don't do that.. so you won't have to worry about it! Oh and just clearying up the stuff about nickel ... it's all the same! As long as it's a crystal.. Like, historically, Davisson used Nickel. And Braggs i think used Sodium...