Search results

  1. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    That was like me when I sold my chocolate last year.... I usually had one or 2 a day. And these were the big suckers of blocks, not the freddos or caramellos.
  2. bringbackshred

    What course should I do, Acturial or science related?

    Or put your interests where the money is.
  3. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    Damn. We should have all had a meat at the Friday performance. Anyone going to the Friday one?
  4. bringbackshred

    how long are you at school?

    LOL at Flanders family gathering on The Simpsons. Gangles honeydrops, you have a very boring timetable.
  5. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    I'm seeing it on Friday. At Bondi. Last Shakey play I saw was one that I worked on and got free tickets to. The Merchant of Venice.
  6. bringbackshred

    how long are you at school?

    HOLY SHIT. I don't get up until 8:15 most days.
  7. bringbackshred

    how long are you at school?

    Week 1: Monday: 8:55 - 5:30. Tuesday: 8:30 - 2:35. Wednesday: 10 - 5:45. Thursday: 8:55 - 5:30. Friday: No school. Week 2: Monday: 10 - 5:30. Tuesday: 8:30 - 2:35. Wednesday: 10 - 5:45. Thursday: 8:55 - 5:30. Friday: 8:55 - 11. Guess why I love Friday week 1. :p
  8. bringbackshred

    Assessment Marks/Ranks so far

    Um. North Paramatta? :p
  9. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    You're ahead of me now. :p Maybe I could log into my ban account.... EDIT: We're even. Let's create new accounts. :p
  10. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    Nah, I knew Stacie was Stacie, lol.
  11. bringbackshred

    What course should I do, Acturial or science related?

    Try not aksing internet randoms. Figure it out for yourself, because in the long run, if you do choose the wrong course, you will only have yoursefl to blame no matter what.
  12. bringbackshred

    school rank?

    Ahhh, I thought that's what it measured.
  13. bringbackshred

    2007 Jerseys

    Not yet. I'm faithful.-ish
  14. bringbackshred

    school rank?

    Wait... what does the DA stand for?
  15. bringbackshred

    Half yearly marks and ranks + thoughts

    Dear lord. No. How could you?
  16. bringbackshred

    How was your school day?

    She seemed pretty sober to me in the line. Then I didn't see her until after the show.
  17. bringbackshred

    2007 Jerseys

    I knew it would be there. Extramarital affairs ftw.
  18. bringbackshred

    Drummers Unite!

    LOL. I reckon I could play those.. And i'm a guitarist.