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  1. L

    Exam responses

    This is the question for my assessment: "Evaluate the view that North Vietnam's determination to spread communism in Indochina caused the failure of the Geneva Peace Agreement by the 1960's." I need help!! Notes of any sort would be much appreciated. Cheers, Rekha.
  2. L

    Exam responses

    hey! thanks alot for help. i will buy the book soon hopefully, lol. but i was just curious 2 know abt any sites that have exam responses from 2003 and 2004. if anyone knows any sites, it would be really helpful. but thank you rama.
  3. L

    Exam responses

    Hey all. Does anyone know where I can find exam responses for the 2004 Modern History HSC? All I can find is the 2002 HSC, and I can't find it on the Board Of Studies website for some reason. I thought it was on it, but I don't know now. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.