Just a question while this topic is mildly alive.
I got an ATAR of 98.50 which is all good news, but my UMAT was terrible. 49 raw (as they have told me, they don't look at percentiles and when they give a "minimum" they are referring to the raw). Kiss my chances of optometry goodbye?
Cheers lads
550D was the first camera I got from last year christmas in a twin lens kit. Installed magic lantern and it's a beast!
Since then I've bought a Sigma 30mm f/1.4 prime and couldn't be happier
Only downside to the 550D was how light it was, it got outbalanced by most lens. Put a battery grip and...
Yeah HSC is over, I shouldn't even be on the computer, idgaf, 2 weeks to go and I'm shitting my pants
Final Ranks:
School Rank: ~175 or something
Chemistry Mark ~ hsc -75-80 raw if I'm lucky
Economics ~ I don't even-- I avg. 91ish raw for school (incl. trials)
English ~ 85% raw at school or...
I chose 15, b. I don't remember where I read it, perhaps from independent paper, but I swear I thought a stronger acid requires less base to neutralise...
Looks good
Finance - Floating of the Dollar producing increased speculation and investment, Deregulation of Financial Firms exposing them to full competition
Labour - Decentralised wage determination system, boosting incentives to work more productively
I didn't even talk about market...
I wrote bilateral trade agreements excluded countries not included, thus loss of competition which would have otherwise been derived from firms being exposed to such competition and possible loss of productivity.
Absolute bs, not expecting anything for it LOL
I think this was a bit more like my understanding. But with a mix of krn's one too. I thought they represented a group of employees against employers in negotiating better conditions for wage contracts. Collectively, they probably have a greater bargaining power as well but nowhere near as much...