This might sound like a very general question. What are some majors that I can do which lead to good options for further study and career paths? I'm thinking of majoring in pharmacology and then applying for the masters of pharmacy. Any recommendations?
I heard WRIT1000 and WRIT1001 are WAM boosters and relatively easy. Is this true given that there are lots of written assignments? And which one should I choose?
I'm trying to find a WAM booster and less intense unit of study to choose as an elective for 2nd year Med science...
Just wondering, is it a must to do at least 2 sciences (chemistry, physics or biology) for HSC to be eligible to apply for undergrad med at UWS or UNSW? Or is there any bridging courses available, etc?
Can someone please link me to some good chem and bio prelim notes? Maybe from the resource section or elsewhere. I'm not sure of which one's are effective and helpful.
I'm still unclear on how state ranks are obtained. Do the board only look at the raw mark and base the rank off that or is it the modified HSC mark (after it has been compared with your cohort)?
All the smart kids are saying different things.
I am in need of an advanced english tutor (one that has completed bio/chem/business studies course if possible) that can help boost marks as the subject is letting me and others down significantly compared to the high marks with other subjects. Possible in the Fairfield/Parramatta region.
Hello, I'm located in the Fairfield/Parramatta region and in need of a chemistry tutor (and qualified with biology if possible) with high credentials asap. I know many that are after this request as they and I were unhappy with previous tutors. If anyone is available please give me your contact...