if i wear a free hugs sign on the first day of uni and show people in my tuts and lectures and stuff do you think people will hug me and i will subsequently make friends?
its been my best idea so far, i am still terrified about not fitting in...
what do you guys think :wave:
i was afraid last year..... and i thought i would get over it
but now i am petrified, it hasnt got any better!
new classes, people, lecturers, tutors..... what if that DONT LIKE ME!
i cant sleep because of my fears
does anyone have any advice on what i should do? please help me guys
you know how you get timetables right? is there any chance they can be wrong?
i have recently become very nervous about this.... i cant imagine the horror of going in the wrong class and everyone laughing at you!
it didnt happen last year but its bound to happen thisn year...
so is there...
I am calling on all comrades to occupy the US Study centre!!!!!
Do not let them teach their Imperial ways!
Lets discuss our plans here
If you look at countries that succeed its generally countries with limited democracy.... (if you think america has democracy ur worng!) shouldnt everything be super centralised and with dictatorships.... everyone forgets what stalin did to bring russia out of its backwardness... his power was an...
I don't know... most people on this forum seem to be anti-socialism and all for 'freedom' and all that... Has anyone ever considered that what you 'know' about the USSR was WRONG. If u do any research you can see that that country was most probably the most free! I will explain later.... its...
I had a pretty good time this whole year at uni... i really dont want things to change... can anyone give me a heads up or something... im pretty nervious to be honest?!?!?
mass public investment in renewables is the only solution...
no profits in short term for renewables, no utility maximizer would want to invest
majority power is at production level not consumption
green bans and strikes are needed to stop new coal fired power stations... not...
Looking at my timetable I have noticed that I am in Wallace for two hours in a row for two different subjects. I would be interested to see if any freaky timetables have kept people doing multiple subjects in the same building....
I thought I was going to fail Spanish
I turned up to most tuts and barely understood anything that was said....
I failed the majority of my exams (there are many) and if I did pass any of them I scraped through.
Alas, I check results today and I have a pass with 50 EXACTLY
I find this...
Sorry if this has been asked
I am doing four subjects (24 CP)
If I fail a subject this sem (6 CP)
Can I do five subjects next semester so I wont have to do summer uni? (30 CP)
(Do I have to ask someone or can I just enrol in 5)