First year here going into comm/info sys. Not sure which of these i should choose. can anybody give me an idea of what they're like and the difficulty. Also, if i do one, can i do the other next semester or not. cheers :spzz:
I'm hopefully getting into a dual commerce degree at UNSW but I'm not decided on what degree I'm going to do it with, so I was hoping for advice on what to pick. I'm thinking mainly in terms of practicality. I mean, I just can't see commerce/science being that compatible except for a very niche...
Just wondering if it's merely the application of businesses to technology or will I actually be required to design software and understand computers etc. Thanks!
Do you guys recommend commerce or a commerce dual degree, both at UNSW? Also, can you do honours for a dual degree? Also, what does information systems involve? Cheers!