How do you guys structure your response to the last 5/6 marker question?
Do you have an intro/conclusion? And do you aim to do 1 technique per mark?
And if you are comparing two texts, do you try to intertwine your response?
Hey so I have a prac test soon and am just wondering if past students could maybe tell me some of the pracs they did just so I can have an idea of what possible things we might be tested on? The teacher has hinted it will be a motors and generators prac but not sure what sort of things they...
Would anyone know the rough cut-offs in terms of raw marks that are needed for a 98/99? I'm thinking 80+/84 for 99 and... 77+/84 maybe for 98? No idea really though but would love to know...
Just wondering... how are we meant to approach the local vs global in Lost in Translation? I see a lot of global and local values clashing in the setting of the movie i.e. Japan but not sure how it relates to the characters? I can sorta see that Bob and Charlotte are disconnected from the global...
Hey, I was wondering whether anyone has the data for the top schools by subject i.e. top schools at Maths/ English? I heard SMH did one for the top few schools in English and Maths but I didn't buy that day's paper and its not available online. Would anyone be willing to type it out?
Well, essays have always been my strength and I usually get full marks, or at least very close to full marks for them. My creative writing on the other hand, is always rather mediocre. Not terrible, but just not brilliant e.g. 13/15.
And it's not like I haven't read the creative writing tips a...
I don't know I guess I'd always done really well in French, and had been coming first, but now that it's not chapter test-based and more skills-based I think I'm struggling and I'm also doubting whether I'm that great and if I should continue French.
Had our speaking text recently and was...